No shit. People calling for her to lose her job and shit? I bet those same assholes would laugh at someone in blackface.
You must consider the fact her employer may not want to be associated with any one person representing something which could stir that much controversy while doing so in the workplace. She most definitely deserved to get fired.
You must consider the fact her employer may not want to be associated with any one person representing something which could stir that much controversy while doing so in the workplace. She most definitely deserved to get fired.
Let's be honest. The employer only fired her because they didn't want to hear any more shit about it. If all the retards weren't on the internet flopping about the mouth screaming for her firing and making a big deal about a chick reaffirming something we already knew she'd still be employed and we could give a fuck less. So it's tasteless. Are people not allowed to be tasteless anymore? Why should we even concern ourselves with what some gash chooses as a Halloween costume?
I wouldn't want someone with that lack of judgement working for me to begin with and then bringing her mess into my company either. She did this AT WORK. Be tasteless when you aren't potentially representing your own company.
choosing to wear it to work is a big mistake, it's not "work appropriate".
Also the picture taken at the office, then posted to the internet means that all of this now effects her employer overall. She deserved to be fired for it. Make bad choices, win bad prizes.
But the death threats, and saying she deserves death for a poor taste choice of a costume is a big stretch.
Let's be honest. The employer only fired her because they didn't want to hear any more shit about it. If all the retards weren't on the internet flopping about the mouth screaming for her firing and making a big deal about a chick reaffirming something we already knew she'd still be employed and we could give a fuck less. So it's tasteless. Are people not allowed to be tasteless anymore? Why should we even concern ourselves with what some gash chooses as a Halloween costume?
That's where we are today. You can make yourself into a limited public figure in seconds. Doing so in the workplace shows extremely bad judgement on her part. I'm sure when she signed on to that job, regardless if it's a call center, there was a code of conduct she was to abide by while on company time. You never know, she could've been a pain in the boss' ass before this happened and this was the final straw. Regardless if she made employee of the year, doing something like that while at work is absolutely retarded and I fully believe no matter what era we were in she would've been fired if this was able to go public.