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Customer of the Day

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  • #16
    People with money don't use layaway.
    "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
    "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


    • #17
      Originally posted by CJ View Post
      People with money don't use layaway.
      I didnt know places still used layaway.


      • #18
        Back in '99 I was a tech at a Dodge dealership. I had a Dakota come in for a check engine light. The scanner says the ignition had been cycled at least 1000 times since the last time the CEL was on, and the light isn't on. Strange. So I start checking things out.

        The plug wires fall apart with the slightest touch, the cap, rotor, and plugs were all original. The transmission fluid looked like motor oil and the motor oil looked like liquid black tar. So I write it up for everything that really does need to be done. The lady isn't happy about the price but after I showed her everything she agreed.

        She comes to pick up the truck and is still complaining about the cost but drives off. About 5 minutes later comes screeching back into the service drive, gets out and proceeds to start screaming and cursing that we ripped her off. She said the light came back on just down the street. I hook up the scanner, there's no CEL. So I take a drive with her, her husband stuck in the extra cab. We come to a stoplight and she screams "There it is right there, you guys ripped me off.


        I got her back to the shop and filled up the washer reservoir. Then explained what each light on the dash meant. After that she was embarrassed as hell and much nicer. After that I was the only person she would let work on the truck.
        "You wouldn't know what crazy was if Charles Manson was eating Fruit Loops on your front porch"


        • #19
          Originally posted by Craizie View Post
          Had an old Canadian redneck come down with his wife and daughter( daughter was14y/o and of them both waiting in the car while he buys the phones) to buy some old "bag phone" cell phones. Out of no where he goes off on how pretty his daughter is how big her tits and ass are for her age. He then insist that we go outside and see her.

          Talk about fucking awkward.
          This post is worthless without pics...


          • #20
            Originally posted by Big A View Post
            This post is worthless without pics...
            No pics, but Justin Bieber with tits and ass about sums it up.


            • #21
              I am SO glad I do not work in retail. I dont know how any of you guys do it especially the ones that are working for themselves. How do you deal with people that are purposely out to try and fuck you over?


              • #22
                Originally posted by inline 6 View Post
                I am SO glad I do not work in retail. I dont know how any of you guys do it especially the ones that are working for themselves. How do you deal with people that are purposely out to try and fuck you over?
                I typically take the Rube Goldberg approach of being a sesquipedalian until they become so fumbuzzled that they'll agree to what I have to say.


                • #23
                  I don't have a customer story, but one of my best friends rented a house from a guy that was obsessed with lizards, snakes and turtles. In the garage of the rent house there was a large stand up freezer that had all of his rare/endangered animals that had died. Each one in a ziplock bag. I don't know what if he had plans to reanimate them somehow or if he took them out and talked to them... who knows?!? It was damn sure weird though.

                  The same guy also had 3 corvettes(early 70s) that he bought for his sons. The sons didn't want the cars so they gave them back to the dad. He refused to sell them, but rather let them rot.

