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Neighborhood fires cops, hires private security

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  • Neighborhood fires cops, hires private security

    He looks like a cop, he dresses like a cop, but he is actual a member of S.E.A.L. security. A Houston neighborhood decided to go with private security and cuts crime in half.

    When Sharpstown, a small suburb in Houston, Texas, received their last bill from Harris County sheriff department, they thought they could go cheaper. Harris County told them to put their money where their mouth is. So they did. Not only have they gained a presence of three patrol cars at any given hour, but saved the suburb about $200,000 a year.

    They don’t pull people over, they don’t stop traffic, but they do stop crime. The city said crime is down in fact by over 50%. Not bad from just increasing visibility of law enforcement. The private security company is armed and does have the power to make arrests. The funny aspect is that they take them to Harris County lock up.

    The S.E.A.L. company has its own academy. All patrol officers are licensed. They have K-9 units trained and at their disposal. While they specialize in business and residential security in the state of Texas, when they were contacted by the suburb in need of help, they were all too happy to provide them with the best package deal for the town. The suburb is happy with the arrangement along with the S.E.A.L. Security Solutions Firm.

    So one must ask what is the downside to this? So far the only people saying anything negative is Harris County that lost out on the contract due to over charging the suburb. Even the news finds this strange but seems interested in the arrangement.

    Magazine francophone ? destination du public professionnel et particulier ? la recherche d'informations fra?ches et bien entendu fran?aises.
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2
    So they are doing what the cops should have been doing for $200,000 cheaper? I see no problem with any of that. I hope their buisness spreads like a wildfire.
    "Yeeeeehhhhhaaaaawwwww that's my jam"


    • #3
      Not writing tickets, having K9 units and a police presence at half the cost
      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


      • #4
        Money well spent. Or not spent in this case.
        "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey


        • #5

          It is only a matter of time.


          • #6
            Private security companies have provided the policing for certain cities / areas for a LONG time. Have you guys never seen the movie Kuffs?


            • #7
              Ok, let me get this straight. This is a Houston neighborhood that was paying off duty officers for extra security? This is still part of Houston and they patrol it also is what I am getting out of the stories I've read. So what is the big deal they went from off duty to security for their neighborhood patrol? If you watch the video about it talking about a person stabbed, Houston Police was working it....


              • #8
                Basically from my reading, the Houston PD charges X amount to patrol the area and the community thought it could get better care cheaper. Law enforcement that doesn't write tickets, doesn't go after you for expired inspection or no front license plate, just goes after bad guys.

                Wonder how much more effective police would be if they

                A) Got out and walked the neighborhoods they 'protect.' You know, community policing. Get to know the people there and seem a part of the solution instead of the problem.

                B) Instead of writing tickets for 5 over, actually patrol neighborhoods and get to violent crimes and thefts with some sort of speed
                I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                • #9
                  Fuck a bunch of hired contractors to patrol my neighborhood.


                  • #10
                    I maybe ignorant, but I've never heard of HOA/neighborhoods paying for city/local police on a contract outside of taxes.

                    I'm not saying I know either, the article was vague.
                    Originally posted by MR EDD
                    U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ceyko View Post
                      I maybe ignorant, but I've never heard of HOA/neighborhoods paying for city/local police on a contract outside of taxes.

                      I'm not saying I know either, the article was vague.

                      At my old condo there was always an off duty officer that did patrols, that we paid for in our dues. Most of the time his ass was fucking off in the rec room while my car was getting broken in to, or yelling at people to get out of the hot tub 15 minutes before the curfew for it. Worthless sacks of shit.


                      • #12
                        Foot patrol is great, if you have the manpower for it. And your "beat" is tiny and densely populated.

                        For instance, my normal beat is roughly 4-5 square miles. Granted it is one of the largest beats in the city. But you can see that would be impossible to cover on foot. Call load also comes into the picture. Unless you want to designate the foot patrols as non call takers. Which only puts more load on all the other guys working.
                        2007 Chevy TBSS


                        • #13
                          Seems like a great deal. They are saving money plus having guys there to specifically keep the area safe and not focus on writing tickets. I am sure there are also police present at times to so the ticket writing. Basically they just doubled the patrol appearance and saved a ton of money on their car insurance by switching to geico.


                          • #14
                            Maybe The Crime StatS Are Down Because No One Is Making Traffic Stops And Arresting The Bad Guys.... Also, Do They Not Have Detectives Anymore For Investigations?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by FastFord19 View Post
                              Maybe The Crime StatS Are Down Because No One Is Making Traffic Stops And Arresting The Bad Guys.... Also, Do They Not Have Detectives Anymore For Investigations?
                              Chances are the one doing most of the burglaries was arrested by another town or city or picked up on drug charges ect. They didn't relocate because of these guys. The area dropped 9 burglaries a month. That is one guy. I wouldn't pay for security or off duty officers. Id just hire Forever Frost to sit in a lawn chair on my lawn with a shotty.

