I've heard of county areas paying extra for a close municipality to cover their area instead of the county agencies. Is this what it stared out as?
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Neighborhood fires cops, hires private security
Originally posted by JamisonFRC View PostFoot patrol is great, if you have the manpower for it. And your "beat" is tiny and densely populated.
For instance, my normal beat is roughly 4-5 square miles. Granted it is one of the largest beats in the city. But you can see that would be impossible to cover on foot. Call load also comes into the picture. Unless you want to designate the foot patrols as non call takers. Which only puts more load on all the other guys working.I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool
Originally posted by Machx2 View PostChances are the one doing most of the burglaries was arrested by another town or city or picked up on drug charges ect. They didn't relocate because of these guys. The area dropped 9 burglaries a month. That is one guy. I wouldn't pay for security or off duty officers. Id just hire Forever Frost to sit in a lawn chair on my lawn with a shotty.I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool
Originally posted by naynay View PostSo if I'm reading this correctly, not a single one of you even knows what is going on in this story.
StevoOriginally posted by SSMAN...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.
Originally posted by Forever_frost View PostOr, you could pull the guys writing tickets for no plates or 5 over and put them on foot patrol. Afterall, if they have the free time to sit on the side of the highway with a radar gun, they have the time to walk a neighborhood
Cops catch more criminals for traffic violations than any other way. It's unfortunately effective. On the other hand, most of time I get stopped for something stupid like that these days, I end up with a warning after they check me out. I frankly drive like a maniac most of the time and can't even remember the last time I got a ticket. I'd bet I've gotten out of more tickets than I've been cited for, and I've been pulled over probably around 30 times, many of them with multiple violations possible and no ticket given. I would like to see a complete end to traffic enforcement divisions with the possible exception to help during events though. The only time cops should be running radar is if there have been multiple complaints from a specific area or they are in between calls with nothing better to do.
Originally posted by talisman View PostCops catch more criminals for traffic violations than any other way. It's unfortunately effective. On the other hand, most of time I get stopped for something stupid like that these days, I end up with a warning after they check me out. I frankly drive like a maniac most of the time and can't even remember the last time I got a ticket. I'd bet I've gotten out of more tickets than I've been cited for, and I've been pulled over probably around 30 times, many of them with multiple violations possible and no ticket given. I would like to see a complete end to traffic enforcement divisions with the possible exception to help during events though. The only time cops should be running radar is if there have been multiple complaints from a specific area or they are in between calls with nothing better to do.
StevoOriginally posted by SSMAN...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.
Originally posted by stevo View PostAren't nearly all of those criminals that have already been caught and/or identified previously, and are arrested for warrants? It wouldn't seem to be a crime deterrent to me, just a clean-up after the fact.
And also, aloooooot of crook/thieves have a warrant of some sort. Either from unpaid traffic tickets to to more serious warrants like burglary, robbery, theft etc.
Stevo I still owe u a ride along. Once I don't have any rookies to train, we shall do this!Last edited by Tannerm; 10-27-2013, 03:35 PM.
Originally posted by Tannerm View PostNot exactly. Warrants happen quite a bit but u have to remember, there's other stuff u goto jail for. Smell weed? PC to search with possibility of jail time. Looks drunk? Do sfst, possibility of dwi. See tools that were or can be used in a burglary, suspect has a criminal history of burglary, and there super nervous, arrest for traffic violation. So u see? We get a lot of arrests off stuff other then warrants. Also, you'd be surprised how effective seeing a few patrol cars stopped with traffic stops. That is a great deterrent in itself.
And also, aloooooot of crook/thieves have a warrant of some sort. Either from unpaid traffic tickets to to more serious warrants like burglary, robbery, theft etc.
An ounch of prevention is worth a pound of cure, I would think those cops would deter more crime by being a presence in neighborhoods and such, but what do I know.
Originally posted by Tannerm View PostStevo I still owe u a ride along. Once I don't have any rookies to train, we shall do this!
StevoOriginally posted by SSMAN...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.
Originally posted by stevo View PostWhile I agree with the stops picking up drunks, etc, I still do not see how that stops most real crimes from happening- robbery, rape, murder, etc. And as I said, the crooks/thieves that have warrants have already committed the crimes, the traffic stop didn't retroactively stop their crimes, it is only cleaning up after the fact.
An ounch of prevention is worth a pound of cure, I would think those cops would deter more crime by being a presence in neighborhoods and such, but what do I know.
I've seen what DPD and the metroplex officers do to the mentally ill there, I'll keep my crazy fat ass in east Texas.
Originally posted by Forever_frost View PostProblem is, outside of pissing off a cop, jail is a revolving door. You have repeat offenders that get popped and then released before the papers are done.
Originally posted by Tannerm View PostVery true. And VERY frustrating. That isn't on our end. That's the DA's and shister defensive attorneys to thank for that. When a criminal u arrested is let off easy or given a weak bond/sentence, it hits us beat cops... We worked hard to find and put that individual in jail but only to let some smartass attorney (or dumbass DA) set em free. As a rookie cop, u learn quickly to not let that stuff bother too much... It happens a lot and u can't let that ruin ur day/week/month/year. Its almost comical what has to be said in front of a bunch a jurors to get them on the defense side or against the popo.
AMEN!!! Yet we are the bad guys. Oh well, I still love my job and do what I can.
Seal security is worthless.
We use them at work. My business has used them for over a year and we still get at least 2-3 vehicles stolen a month from our parking lots. Not to mention the break ins."No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"
-- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334