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Any tips on beating parvo?

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  • #16
    My wife said keep them hydrated and feed them a raw egg twice a day.
    "Yeeeeehhhhhaaaaawwwww that's my jam"


    • #17
      Originally posted by YALE View Post
      Oh man. There is nothing cool about Parvo. Just be ready to have a light wallet for a while.
      Originally posted by bcoop View Post
      Have the vet give him an IV of fluids subcutaneous.
      Yup. I got 3 puppies from the pound (brothers and sister), and by the second day at my house, one had it. I took him in, and the other two came down with it. They kept them on IVs for 4-5 days. The first one didn't make it but the other two did.
      Originally posted by Broncojohnny


      • #18
        Well the pup I thought was over isn't. He started to vomit again and has diarrhea. Only two hours of sleep today. This sucks bad.


        • #19
          There is nothing worse than having a sick dog. Nothing. Even if you have kids, at least the kid can tell you what is wrong. I hope your little guys make it man. I'd get them in a group and take them to the vet as soon as possible.


          • #20
            You're doing what we have done successfully. Water and chicken broth every hour by syringe. If you have an iv, then stick a bag inthem every couple hours. After this ordeal a couple times a guy gave me two things you can get. I can't find what he wrote down but you may wanna hit up one the real country like feed stores. I recall was numbers instead of names for the meds like K17 or something like that. Sorry noexact answer but may get you to the right people soon. The meds there are a fraction of the vets markup.


            • #21
              Originally posted by orphan Shelby View Post
              You're doing what we have done successfully. Water and chicken broth every hour by syringe. If you have an iv, then stick a bag inthem every couple hours. After this ordeal a couple times a guy gave me two things you can get. I can't find what he wrote down but you may wanna hit up one the real country like feed stores. I recall was numbers instead of names for the meds like K17 or something like that. Sorry noexact answer but may get you to the right people soon. The meds there are a fraction of the vets markup.
              I had to take my boston terrier in this morning. He has it now. I can't afford to take everyone of them in. This stuff isn't cheap. I hate this.


              • #22
                Hit up the feed store. They may help ya some. They gotta keep livestock alive to make money


                • #23
                  Just called A1 in Duncanville. Has something called parva or something like that. Picking some up and heading to Matlock and 20 if someone needs it they can meet me there nd I can pick some up later for mine


                  • #24
                    Its called Parvaid actually and I picked some up for 48 bux. I don't wanna go through watching my puppy buds go through all that again.


                    • #25
                      I had to put the two pups down tonight. Rip Bear and Patch.


                      • #26
                        Damn that sucks. RIP little babies.


                        • #27
                          Damn. I'm sorry Super Coupe.
                          ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                          • #28
                            Man, sucks to hear about your dogs.


                            • #29
                              Sorry to hear.


                              • #30
                                we saved a dog with Parvo by giving her Pedialite every 2 hrs by squirting in her mouth with a syringe.

                                Took about a week but he turned out OK and produced a few good litters years later after that (she was a Husky).

                                It took about 6 months befeore she was back to her self.


