It's been a traumatic few days since I got the call that no one should ever have to hear. The message was so frantic I couldn't put it together I just knew that my parents home was on fire and to come quick. Never really hearing my mother cry it was hard to tell who was on the other line. It was the most helpless 45min drive of my life.
As I got there I saw my parents home in complete destruction nothing but charred tin and lumber remain. There my mother sat in the bottom steps of their neighbors in tears...."mijo we lost everything, our puppies are gone we couldn't get to them". I turned around in shock to look for my dad and he stood there in disbelief shaking his head "I lost my dogs everythings gone everythings gone". At that point more and more of my parents family we're showing up 2-3 at a time to console them. It was like everybody found out at the same time and dropped everything to get there. There were a dozen or so neighbors and 25 family member who we're their within the hour. It was amazing to see how your loved ones are there for you in your saddest hour.
If you'd ever been to my parents it will leave you humbled. They may not have much to you but to them they had everything they needed. My mother would live in a tent as long as she had my father by her side. Even then there doors we're always open to anyone and everyone. My Dad always loved to grill and he would do just that for everyone who would come by. I would stop by and literally there we're 6 or 7 neighborhood teenagers who had a plate of food in their hands. They all looked up to my dad, if he wasn't feeding them he was showing them how to work on cars or just fix things in general. That's just how they we're raised. And to see all that gone in a matter of minutes....words can't describe the feeling.
I can't describe the outpouring supports from not only family but complete strangers. Whether they we're black, white, brown, blue, or purple they stopped by to offer any assistance they could. Most of them heard the explosion from the Nitrous bottle and they said it sounded like a bomb went off. One lady dropped food and offered money when she got paid, she had mentioned it at her church service on Saturday and by sunday they had gathered food and what not for her to drop off to my family. This woman had cancer but couldn't take chemo because she had lupus so she was literally living on a prayer but somehow mananged to find the time to care for other people. On top of that she had lost her mother and sister a couple months back. In a world we're nothing but negativity is all we see I just wanted to say that there is good out there and the human soul can help heal all in time of need.
I Just wanted to say that no matter what the most important thing is I still have my mother and father, nothing can replace them. So make sure you hug your loved ones every chance you get because you just never know. The fire started in the dryer area so we believe it was the lint or filter that started it. Unfortunately we weren't able to save my parents home but maybe this sad reminder will inform ya'll to always check on any appliance or household maintenance that you set aside for another day.
I am selling off any and all parts that I have been gathering for my car as well as my car itself. It's materialistic stuff that I have no use for at this time so if you see me post anything don't hesitate to make an offer. My cousins have also setup a donation page for them if anyone cares to offer help.
My dad and Scarlett the hairless Chihuahua. A dog so ugly only a parent could love. They also lost Louie a chihuahua who had thought he was a lion he was so fearless. And the newest one Sugar who my dad took home after a guy said he was just going to leave her in a field cause he had no room for her.

If anyone remembers the Sick88lx/Wonderbread 5spd mustang it was sitting in the back yard 15ft from the back door. It has been over 7 years since it last saw the track due to life changes and all it's obstacles. It was a couple months or so away from making a return to attempt the 5spd record. Now it looks as if it may never make it back out.

The Exploded Nitrous Bottle.

My car that is for sale contact for info

As I got there I saw my parents home in complete destruction nothing but charred tin and lumber remain. There my mother sat in the bottom steps of their neighbors in tears...."mijo we lost everything, our puppies are gone we couldn't get to them". I turned around in shock to look for my dad and he stood there in disbelief shaking his head "I lost my dogs everythings gone everythings gone". At that point more and more of my parents family we're showing up 2-3 at a time to console them. It was like everybody found out at the same time and dropped everything to get there. There were a dozen or so neighbors and 25 family member who we're their within the hour. It was amazing to see how your loved ones are there for you in your saddest hour.
If you'd ever been to my parents it will leave you humbled. They may not have much to you but to them they had everything they needed. My mother would live in a tent as long as she had my father by her side. Even then there doors we're always open to anyone and everyone. My Dad always loved to grill and he would do just that for everyone who would come by. I would stop by and literally there we're 6 or 7 neighborhood teenagers who had a plate of food in their hands. They all looked up to my dad, if he wasn't feeding them he was showing them how to work on cars or just fix things in general. That's just how they we're raised. And to see all that gone in a matter of minutes....words can't describe the feeling.
I can't describe the outpouring supports from not only family but complete strangers. Whether they we're black, white, brown, blue, or purple they stopped by to offer any assistance they could. Most of them heard the explosion from the Nitrous bottle and they said it sounded like a bomb went off. One lady dropped food and offered money when she got paid, she had mentioned it at her church service on Saturday and by sunday they had gathered food and what not for her to drop off to my family. This woman had cancer but couldn't take chemo because she had lupus so she was literally living on a prayer but somehow mananged to find the time to care for other people. On top of that she had lost her mother and sister a couple months back. In a world we're nothing but negativity is all we see I just wanted to say that there is good out there and the human soul can help heal all in time of need.
I Just wanted to say that no matter what the most important thing is I still have my mother and father, nothing can replace them. So make sure you hug your loved ones every chance you get because you just never know. The fire started in the dryer area so we believe it was the lint or filter that started it. Unfortunately we weren't able to save my parents home but maybe this sad reminder will inform ya'll to always check on any appliance or household maintenance that you set aside for another day.
I am selling off any and all parts that I have been gathering for my car as well as my car itself. It's materialistic stuff that I have no use for at this time so if you see me post anything don't hesitate to make an offer. My cousins have also setup a donation page for them if anyone cares to offer help.
My dad and Scarlett the hairless Chihuahua. A dog so ugly only a parent could love. They also lost Louie a chihuahua who had thought he was a lion he was so fearless. And the newest one Sugar who my dad took home after a guy said he was just going to leave her in a field cause he had no room for her.

If anyone remembers the Sick88lx/Wonderbread 5spd mustang it was sitting in the back yard 15ft from the back door. It has been over 7 years since it last saw the track due to life changes and all it's obstacles. It was a couple months or so away from making a return to attempt the 5spd record. Now it looks as if it may never make it back out.

The Exploded Nitrous Bottle.

My car that is for sale contact for info
