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Weird feeling: childhood home GONE

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  • #16
    Originally posted by BLAKE View Post

    I remember when all that happened. They tore down some apartment complexes off Park Springs where the water was almost up to the second floor. That was some crazy shit. Helicopters were over my house for days because the church on the south side of 20 and Park Springs that is set pretty far back from the creek still got water up to its front door. All my years in Arlington I'd never seen anything like it.


    • #17
      Originally posted by YALE View Post
      Yeah. It wasn't so bad when someone else owned it, because I really believed deep down that one day I'd buy it back. It's an irrational idea, I know, but I spent the first 3 years of my life there, and now a really chintzy golf shop and an eye-masters are on that lot.

      The house I grew up in popped up for sale back around 09, and the exwife and I went and toured it, since it was only about 2 miles from our house. They upgraded a lot, but also tore a lot out that was a shame. They were asking nearly 100k more than my parents sold it for 8 years previously. I openly laughed at the realtor about the price.


      • #18
        My wife and kids now live in the house I was born and raised in, but hopefully only for another 6 months before we sell and move.


        • #19
          Family friends bought my parents first house and river oaks, and I live pretty close by now. It's always weird to go by there after growing up there, there used to be a big sandbox my brother and I played in every day, but now the back yard has kinda gone to shit. Other than that, the house is pretty well taken care of. The neighbors across the street and next door still live there, and my parents still talk to them every once in a while.


          • #20
            ha, my house in Arlington used to back up to Rush Creek too in SW Arlington. Small world.


            • #21
              Crazy, what street? Mine was southpark.


              • #22
                My neighborhood was off of Sublett & Fox Hunt.


                • #23
                  The house I lived in during high school was torn down and rebuilt a little further back on the lot (on 10 acres in WA). The house needed a lot of work though, but was on a great lot with an awesome view, so it totally made sense.

                  The main house I consider my "childhood" home is still standing, but subsequent owners added a second story to it, so it looks completely different.

                  The closest thing I can relate to in regards to the topic is that my first elementary school was torn down after 3rd grade, and replaced by a strip mall. That was kind of weird.


                  • #24
                    My parents are about to move out of the house that I was raised in for nearly 21 years. They have been living in it nearly 30 years now.

                    I know when they move, my parents and I both will probably shed a tear. Lots of memories in that house.

                    On the bright side, they are moving down on some land right across the street from me. My old man and I can get back into working on cars again most every evening. Not to mention free baby sitting.
                    "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

                    -- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

