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Cop shoots unarmed man WHY?

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  • Cop shoots unarmed man WHY?

    Im surprised this hasn't been posted yet. But this is WRONG and police need to be held accountable as criminal's for these type of actions!!!!

    Dallas news, headlines, weather, sports and traffic from KDFW FOX 4 News, serving Dallas-Fort Worth, North Texas and the state of Texas.

    DALLAS -
    The Dallas Police Department has launched an investigation on its own officers for shooting and wounding a mentally challenged man who had a knife.

    It happened on October 14th, in a cul-de-sac on Crimsnon Court.

    The officers tell one story. However, a neighborhood security camera that caught the entire incident seems to tell a different story.

    Dallas Police Chief David Brown released a written statement late in the day stating Ofc. Cardan Spencer is on indefinite administrative leave while an internal investigation is conducted.

    The Dallas Police Department will send the report of the investigation to the Dallas District Attorney's Office when it is complete.

    It is unclear how long the investigation will take or how long Ofc. Cardan will be on administrative leave.

    Joyce Jackson is the mother of the man who was shot. Bobby Bennett, 52, suffers from schizophrenia. Jackson said he got agitated so he pulled a swivel chair into the cul-de-sac with a pocket knife. Joyce feared he might hurt himself so she called police.

    The surveillance video shows Bennett backing his swivel chair away from the approaching officers. His arms appear to be at his side. The police report states Bennett lunged at the officers and one opened fire.

    "Officers drew they're weapons, they told him to freeze or something of that nature, ordered him to drop the weapon or something of that nature and he just froze. He didn't move an inch. As you can see in the video they just opened fire," said Maurice Bunch who owns the surveillance video.

    "They're lying. They're covering up again. Once again with the Dallas police they're covering up with lies and lies and more lies," said Joyce Jackson. She has not hired a lawyer yet but wants justice as her son lies in ICU in serious condition.

    Read more:
    August Landscaping
    Seb's high class.
    He'll mow your grass.
    He'll kick your ass.
    And while his kidney stones pass,
    He'll piss in a glass!

  • #2
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    • #3
      Originally posted by Mach1 View Post
      If you call a Pocket Knife armed
      August Landscaping
      Seb's high class.
      He'll mow your grass.
      He'll kick your ass.
      And while his kidney stones pass,
      He'll piss in a glass!


      • #4
        Bad choice for a thread title, although I agree it wasn't justified. What they said happened and the video show two completely different things.


        • #5
          Should say cops shot an armed man without probable cause and then covered it up.


          • #6
            I couldn't see anything in the guys hands.


            • #7
              Reminds me of the story of some 110lb crack head swinging a pipe bender and two cops with a K9 in tow shot and killed him. Horse shit.


              • #8
                The thread title is based with what I saw on the Video. Typical we believe as the public cause the police & news say he had a pocket knife. Im sure he did! IN HIS POCKET
                GOD BLESS TEXAS
                August Landscaping
                Seb's high class.
                He'll mow your grass.
                He'll kick your ass.
                And while his kidney stones pass,
                He'll piss in a glass!


                • #9
                  They fucked up


                  • #10
                    I thought it was going to be a man with no arms...


                    • #11
                      Holy. Crap.


                      • #12
                        An unarmed man, armed with a pocket knife, attacks police that were armed with handguns.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Denny View Post
                          An unarmed man, armed with a pocket knife, attacks police that were armed with handguns.
                          Attacks police? Did you watch the video?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by jluv View Post
                            Attacks police? Did you watch the video?
                            Oh man...


                            • #15
                              One of the officers did kick something away, but it was too small to be seen on video.

                              I'm guessing they didn't have tazers?

