Driving westbound on NW Hwy last night coming up on Lemmon. I had a green light and was headed through the intersection at ~40 mph. Coming the opposite direction a car decided they wanted to go north on Lemmon, which involved crossing my lane.
I had a green light, she had a green light... She did not have an arrow.
Smashy smashy. My left front into her right front.*It spun her 180*, and sent me off at a 45* angle. She was almost stopped before she decided to go in front of me so I did not see it coming at all. I barely had any time to get on the brakes. It was so fast that my hand was still on the way to the horn when we hit. It took me a second to realize why I was still laying on the horn.
I checked on my passengers the got out. Her first words:
"I had a green light!" not sure how but I kept my composure.
"I'm sure you did. I'm also sure you didn't have an arrow."
"My light was green!
"That's fine. So was mine. You crossed my right of way. Yell all you want, but this is on you. Why dont we talk to this officer right here?"
Conveniently enough, about 50 yards away was a DPD officer helping a stranded motorist. He heard the crash, turned around and the first thing he saw was the green light in my direction.
After checking on everyone and talking to both of us he agreed I was absolutely not at fault and said he would write that in his report. Then more cops show up. We ended up with 4 squad cars one or two firetrucks and an ambulance (apparently a passerby called 911).
When I handed one officer my license I forgot to give him my CHL also. He came back about 10 min later:
"Sir, do you have your pistol on you tonight?
"Oh, shit. I completely forgot to give you *both* licenses. Yes sir, it's loaded in the center console."
"No worries, it came up in the system when I ran your DL. Do you mind if I hold on to it until everything calms down here."
About this time I look across the street and see the other driver being given a sobriety test... And not doing to well. Next thing I know, her and her passenger are being handcuffed.
One of the officers gave me a copy of his notes with all of her info and walked me through the next steps. He was also nice enough to give us a ride home after I gathered some stuff out of the back. I had completely forgotten about my gun. When we pulled up to the house I was reaching in the trunk to grab my stuff and without a word he just reached around me and dropped it in my coat pocket, and that was that. We finally made it to bed around 4am.
I still had paper plates on the Tahoe. Had only made one payment. No word yet on the damage. Obvious front clip replacement. Drivers door opens with effort, passenger front door won't open, and there was enough energy transmitted that the drivers rear quarter panel buckled between the wheel well and taillight.
Tahoe = me
Lincoln = dumb whore

I had a green light, she had a green light... She did not have an arrow.
Smashy smashy. My left front into her right front.*It spun her 180*, and sent me off at a 45* angle. She was almost stopped before she decided to go in front of me so I did not see it coming at all. I barely had any time to get on the brakes. It was so fast that my hand was still on the way to the horn when we hit. It took me a second to realize why I was still laying on the horn.
I checked on my passengers the got out. Her first words:
"I had a green light!" not sure how but I kept my composure.
"I'm sure you did. I'm also sure you didn't have an arrow."
"My light was green!
"That's fine. So was mine. You crossed my right of way. Yell all you want, but this is on you. Why dont we talk to this officer right here?"
Conveniently enough, about 50 yards away was a DPD officer helping a stranded motorist. He heard the crash, turned around and the first thing he saw was the green light in my direction.
After checking on everyone and talking to both of us he agreed I was absolutely not at fault and said he would write that in his report. Then more cops show up. We ended up with 4 squad cars one or two firetrucks and an ambulance (apparently a passerby called 911).
When I handed one officer my license I forgot to give him my CHL also. He came back about 10 min later:
"Sir, do you have your pistol on you tonight?
"Oh, shit. I completely forgot to give you *both* licenses. Yes sir, it's loaded in the center console."
"No worries, it came up in the system when I ran your DL. Do you mind if I hold on to it until everything calms down here."
About this time I look across the street and see the other driver being given a sobriety test... And not doing to well. Next thing I know, her and her passenger are being handcuffed.
One of the officers gave me a copy of his notes with all of her info and walked me through the next steps. He was also nice enough to give us a ride home after I gathered some stuff out of the back. I had completely forgotten about my gun. When we pulled up to the house I was reaching in the trunk to grab my stuff and without a word he just reached around me and dropped it in my coat pocket, and that was that. We finally made it to bed around 4am.
I still had paper plates on the Tahoe. Had only made one payment. No word yet on the damage. Obvious front clip replacement. Drivers door opens with effort, passenger front door won't open, and there was enough energy transmitted that the drivers rear quarter panel buckled between the wheel well and taillight.
Tahoe = me
Lincoln = dumb whore
