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  • #61
    There's also online dating. It's a fun hobby if you don't mind going out with broken women and having the occasional month long one night stands. Just remember to get a google voice number so you can screen your calls.


    • #62

      Jet skis, buggy, camping, guns, and home improvement is about all i've done over the last year. well that and xbox.


      • #63
        I was real heavy in model cars for a long time, then I got into rc planes, that has taken up all my spare time now. It can get REAL expencive, but if your careful and keep to either just a few planes or scratch build it's not so bad.
        This plane cost me under $100 to build.
        was 6ft long took a week to build, and flew great.


        • #64
          Gaming, movies (at home), reading, shooting, biking, volleyball

          Scuba...damn...been 2 years since I last dove.

          Was big into model kits (planes) back in high school.
          "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey


          • #65
            Gaming, movie, shooting, and apparently breaking cars.
            Originally posted by Theodore Roosevelt
            It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming...


            • #66
              I'd like to change my suggestion and vote for online dating as well.... ohhhhh the possibilities.


              • #67
                Originally posted by white88 View Post
                Cars, guns, or alcohol.
                That about sums it up


                • #68
                  Stay single, fuck bitches, make money, and establish yourself.
                  Buy a house, then your house becomes a hobby.

                  Don't be a fool. Wrap your tool.

                  Then take condom with you to rinse out in your own sink before throwing it in your own trash.


                  • #69
                    tinkering on my old cars
                    tinkering on other people's old cars
                    swimming pool maintenance
                    home improvement
                    car shows
                    planning and taking vacations
                    occasional drag race in a stock mustang, lmao
                    whatever dumb stuff my gf can get me to do
                    that's about it
                    When the government pays, the government controls.


                    • #70
                      I like fucking married chicks.


                      • #71
                        ^^^that is sooooo not cool...


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Snatch Napkin View Post
                          Stay single, fuck bitches, make money, and establish yourself.
                          Buy a house, then your house becomes a hobby.

                          Don't be a fool. Wrap your tool.

                          Then take condom with you to rinse out in your own sink before throwing it in your own trash.

                          This man knows his shit. lol @ Mychael101


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by GeorgeG. View Post
                            I'd like to change my suggestion and vote for online dating as well.... ohhhhh the possibilities.
                            Originally posted by Venom View Post
                            I like fucking married chicks.
                            Originally posted by GeorgeG. View Post
                            ^^^that is sooooo not cool...
                            I say go for it! That's not really a brag Venom, it's actually far easier then most would think. And I suppose it's easy to rationalize it by saying that it's not your vows that your breaking. Unless, you're married too.

                            But it's an easy hobby to get into to pass the time for sure. And who knows, you might even find "The One" on there lmao!


                            • #74
                              Cooking, quading, shooting. Cannon 88, we still need to do a soup night.
                              I think his point is that the fish got low balled, fucked in the catfish asshole and you paid half price. The worst part was the fish explaining to his fish friends why his asshole smelled like redneck


                              • #75
                                My main hobby is researching, planning and otherwise thinking about hobbies that I rarely, if ever, get around to doing. haha.

                                Reading is probably the only thing I am actively doing that might be considered a hobby, but I think that classification is a bit of a stretch.

                                Although it's been a while since we have actually gone, I do really enjoy camping and spending time in the wilderness.

                                I picked skateboarding back up a couple of years ago, but only stuck to it for about a year. I was surprised at how fast I was picking it back up after a 20 year break, and in some ways exceeding what I ever did as a kid. I never really had the opportunity to ride bowls and ramps growing up just because none were available nearby. Still have all of the equipment but between the frequent minor injuries, and the need to get up early on the weekends to hit the skatepark before all of the kids show up, it tapered off. I may start back up occasionally.

                                Did a lot of car stuff when I had my Mustang and Bronco, but not so much now. Drag racing, Auto-crossing, meets, tinkering with them..

                                I really do need to get back into the habit of a hobby or two..

