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What do employers do about legal weed usage?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Cooter View Post
    doing cardio is the last thing you want to do... burning fat that has THC in it is going to put metabolites in your piss

    drinking water, on the other hand, is all you need to do. Typically employment screens don't care as long as you're clean. If you drink enough water that you're essentially pissing straight water, you're good
    The first pre-employment UA I ever took (in about 1993) the lab told me not to drink too much water, because if so they would know (lack of proteins, or some shit like that), and make me re-test. I guess to avoid flawed results due to dilution? Also made me go in first thing in the morning. This was for a lumber mill, so they were very particular, but do they not still do that sort of thing (not accept your piss if it's too clear)?


    • #17
      Originally posted by Chili View Post
      The first pre-employment UA I ever took (in about 1993) the lab told me not to drink too much water, because if so they would know, and make me re-test. Also made me go in first thing in the morning. This was for a lumber mill, so they were very particular, but do they not still do that sort of thing (not accept your piss if it's too clear)?
      Most of them will require a retest if it comes back diluted. The only sure fire way to beat one if you are a regular smoker is someone else's pee or synthetic. Apparently the synthetic had gotten pretty good these days...
      2016 Chevrolet SS 6M


      • #18
        it has a lot to do with nanograms/mL

        most government jobs test with 15 ng/mL being the max allowable, with a +/- 2ng/mL window. most general employment screens will test up to 50 ng/mL, as the 15 ng/mL is quite a bit more expensive.

        the home drug tests from walmart and the like test to 50 ng/mL as well, so if you take those thinking you are good and go in and they piss to 15ng/mL max, you will be in for a sore suprise.. ask me how i know


        • #19
          I get into that argument with a coworker. He fully believes that once weed is legal that our company will have to pay us more.
          2006 Civic SI
          2009 Pilot
          1988 GT

          Widebody whore.


          • #20
            Originally posted by beefed88 View Post
            I get into that argument with a coworker. He fully believes that once weed is legal that our company will have to pay us more.
            Why would your pay be affected??


            • #21
              they owe you more to not smoke weed, duh!
              THE BAD HOMBRE


              • #22
                Originally posted by beefed88 View Post
                I get into that argument with a coworker. He fully believes that once weed is legal that our company will have to pay us more.

                What? LOL, sounds like they might want to send him in for a random.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Chili View Post
                  The first pre-employment UA I ever took (in about 1993) the lab told me not to drink too much water, because if so they would know (lack of proteins, or some shit like that), and make me re-test. I guess to avoid flawed results due to dilution? Also made me go in first thing in the morning. This was for a lumber mill, so they were very particular, but do they not still do that sort of thing (not accept your piss if it's too clear)?

                  well, in that case, take some B vitamins to color the urine and some creatine to show metabolized protein


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by beefed88 View Post
                    I get into that argument with a coworker. He fully believes that once weed is legal that our company will have to pay us more.
                    lol, awesome


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Cooter View Post
                      doing cardio is the last thing you want to do... burning fat that has THC in it is going to put metabolites in your piss
                      I had no idea at the time, my logic was that getting the blood moving while fasted would metabolize everything out completely, which apparently it did. I guess that since I smoked so rarely and so little, that there wasn't much stored in my fat cells. I wasn't super lean, but I was working out daily.

                      I can't wait 'til Cali follows suit, and legalizes it, it's time to get PAID.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Big A View Post
                        I can't wait 'til Cali follows suit, and legalizes it, it's time to get PAID.
                        LOL, I love it


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Chili View Post
                          Depends a lot on your body fat percentage and how much / often you smoke. Could be much less, could be longer.

                          And if their testing hair, it's detectible if you consumed it and have not cut the hair since (or the section growing upon consumption anyways).
                          Where'd ya learn that, Cheech? Drug school?
                          Originally posted by Broncojohnny
                          HOORAY ME and FUCK YOU!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Nash B. View Post
                            Where'd ya learn that, Cheech? Drug school?
                            Lol.. Drug screening vendors from previous employers.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Country cracker View Post
                              Alchohol is legal, but if you get popped for it on a drug test you're canned.
                              Thing with alcohol is if you have alcohol in your blood then you are intoxicated, and since it is metabilized relatively fast it is out of your system in hours. If you test positive for thc, you are not necessarily intoxicated as it could be from 30 minutes ago, or 30 days ago.

                              Employers really should be looking at on the job intoxication, in my opinion, though I do not know enough about it to know if there are blood tests for other drugs that tell you how recently you partook, or measure actual intoxication.
                              I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.

                              Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.


                              • #30
                                Our employees get 21 days of vacation every 90 days. Being that we work on the other side of the world, some of our folks hit up Amsterdam as part of their trip.

                                Any detectable level of presence in a urinalysis, whether it be pre employment, post accident incident review, for probable cause or random, that tests non-negative for any of the 5 we test for is immediate suspension of work duties, probable cause for search of assigned living quarters and workspace, time sheet entries go to ZERO each day and pending lab results from Alere Labs in the States - Termination.

                                I get 2-3 non-negative UAs a week. I am not shocked anymore. Lots of THC, LOADS of Opioids, a few PCP and a few Methamphetamines each month.

                                Very few of our cases do we have where the employee tries to go the "but it was legal where I smoked" route. You would think more folks would use that in their defense when writing their statements to us. Nope. They roll over. Never challenged.

                                However, most of our non-negatives result in discoveries of prohibited substances in their rooms or paraphernalia. My favorite was the guy that got ratted out for having a wizinator(sp?) in his locker at work. He was off the base at another site. We interviewed him, he copped to the cheat device, we searched, found it and got further authorization to search his living quarters. Found the smallest peice of hash in the history of hash inside a tobacco grinder. Found 5 books on how to grow marijuana. Then found a cool ass little pipe/lighter. All findings turned over to the military police and this guy had the stones to ask if the MPs would give him his pipe back, "man that was an expensive pipe". When asked why he would risk his 6 figure job to get high, "it is what I do man, I love weed" he said. Fair enough, I respect that, here is your plane ticket home.
                                Fuck you. We're going to Costco.

