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Who is your Cell Provider & your monthly phone package

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  • #16
    Net-10 prepaid, $50 unlimited everything, can use the "net-10" smartphones, or Iphone4, Galaxy S3/4....just have to buy the good phones outright or get the right sim to convert. No sales calls, no bill, no bullshit. Plus their coverage is imho one of the best there is. Worth at least looking into.

    Sent from my LGL45C using Tapatalk 2
    "We, the people, are the rightful masters of both congress and the courts - not to overthrow the constitution, but to overthrow men who pervert the constitution." Abraham Lincoln


    • #17
      Originally posted by Blakeski View Post
      What the hell are you doing with 4 iphones?
      Family plans aren't hardcore enough for you?


      • #18
        Originally posted by SEB View Post
        Bernie how did you find this deal. We pulled up Metro and cant find anything close to this
        I jumped on a special last year around Christmas. I cancelled my contract and paid my ETf at Verizon. In truth they throttle the data after 250MB, but it's not terrible and I very rarely exceed 250 anyway. The regular price for what I've got was $45 at the time.

        Edit: actually, looks like it was $40. Still is and the first 500 MB is at 4G speed.
        Last edited by BERNIE MOSFET; 10-13-2013, 05:53 PM.
        Men have become the tools of their tools.
        -Henry David Thoreau


        • #19
          Originally posted by Blakeski View Post
          What the hell are you doing with 4 iphones?
          wife children business


          • #20
            Originally posted by BERNIE MOSFET View Post
            I jumped on a special last year around Christmas. I cancelled my contract and paid my ETf at Verizon. In truth they throttle the data after 250MB, but it's not terrible and I very rarely exceed 250 anyway. The regular price for what I've got was $45 at the time.

            Edit: actually, looks like it was $40. Still is and the first 500 MB is at 4G speed.
            I can burn through 500mb in an afternoon. But, I watch a lot of movies/TV and have an unnatural fascination with this damn site.


            • #21
              Originally posted by diablo rojo View Post
              I can burn through 500mb in an afternoon. But, I watch a lot of movies/TV and have an unnatural fascination with this damn site.
              I am honestly amazed that I keep it under 250 in a month. I tend to not browse much when I don't a wifi connection.
              Men have become the tools of their tools.
              -Henry David Thoreau


              • #22
                3 phones
                unlimited data, text
                1300 mins


                • #23
                  4 gb data
                  Unlimited talk/text

                  Thinking going back to AT&T.....


                  • #24
                    Damn I'm getting hosed 2 iPhones 3gigs of data a go phone for my daughter with no Internet $210. I can't wait to go back with metro pos
                    "Yeeeeehhhhhaaaaawwwww that's my jam"


                    • #25
                      Att 5 phones I can't remember specifics of the plan but we haven't gone over our limits. We use them all of the time. $330.00ish


                      • #26
                        iphone 4s pre paid att unlimited talk/txt 2g internet $60 a month

                        i was on my parents att family plan still paying $80 a month for the exact same plan i have now. i was not on a contract though so i just put in a new pre paid sim card and saved $20 a month


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by diablo rojo View Post
                          5 lines, all with data/unlimited talk and text. $307
                          Are you on the classic plan still? 5 lines with truly unlimited everything not including phone payments and insurance/jump is 210 base, if you've been with them for over 5 years they'll typically waive any migration fees to go to the value/nac plans, too. Might save you some money.

                          Disclaimer, I don't work for t-mobile anymore at the moment, so don't PM me asking to check out the plan or anything involving your account. Call customer care.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by 90GT50 View Post
                            Are you on the classic plan still? 5 lines with truly unlimited everything not including phone payments and insurance/jump is 210 base, if you've been with them for over 5 years they'll typically waive any migration fees to go to the value/nac plans, too. Might save you some money.

                            Disclaimer, I don't work for t-mobile anymore at the moment, so don't PM me asking to check out the plan or anything involving your account. Call customer care.
                            I'm on JUMP, carry the insurance, family share, but I'm still dragging a few phone payments at the moment. Should see mid-$200's by Dec/Jan.


                            • #29
                              5 gigs of data
                              unlimited text
                              Not sure how many minutes (I've never gone over)
                              $100 a month


                              • #30
                                Verizon - $74 after taxes. I do get a small discount for working at a city.
                                unlimited data and text. 700 minutes.

