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Guess a career at Lowes is out of the question.

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  • #31
    Originally posted by DON SVO View Post
    I worked at Home Depot when I graduated high school. We had a manager get fired for helping LP stop a known repeat shoplifter. They were very strict regarding who actually laid hands on thieves. The LP guys would literally kick feet out from under running shoplifters, tackle them, throw them through the sliding glass doors (that was something to see)... But if a manager gave chase his ass was 86'd.
    A guy I know WAS loss prevention for HD and got fired for chasing a shop-lifter. They hire a guy to prevent losses and then can him when he tries to do his job.

    Originally posted by bcoop View Post
    I used to have this line of thinking. And on the surface it makes perfect sense. However, you need to look beyond the surface.
    So you're saying we need to hear the other side of the story?


    • #32
      Id be curious to see how many arrests are made a year and charges brought vs all thefts. I know Denton County files about 10k misdemeanor cases a year and those obviously aren't all thefts and the statute runs out on most.

      There's almost a million people in Denton county, so there's got to be tons of thefts yearly.


      • #33
        Originally posted by David View Post
        Id be curious to see how many arrests are made a year and charges brought vs all thefts. I know Denton County files about 10k misdemeanor cases a year and those obviously aren't all thefts and the statute runs out on most.

        There's almost a million people in Denton county, so there's got to be tons of thefts yearly.
        We average 3 a week at Wal-Mart or more. Most people just go with them to the office. I will say though our PD is close enough that when they run we usually catch them. 75 percent are from Dallas.
        Whos your Daddy?


        • #34
          At lowes you can literally walk in, grab what ever and walk out. All they can do is ask you to stop. Then only employee (and they may have changed this policy) that can physically stop them is the loss prevention manager. There has been many times that people would do this at my old store. They walk in, grab a large dewalt tool kit and just walk out the door. the LP manager was not there so all we could do was get the license plate number, which a couple of times they removed it so no number just a descripion of the vehicle, and just call the police..


          • #35
            I can't remember the exact amount, but isn't it something like if the object stolen is valued at more than $500, then it's a felony?


            • #36
              Originally posted by 90GT50 View Post
              I can't remember the exact amount, but isn't it something like if the object stolen is valued at more than $500, then it's a felony?
              Theft 50-500 is a class B, 500-1500 is an A. Greater than those amounts or other enhancement circumstances, you're in the felony range.


              • #37
                I worked at Home Depot 15 years ago and it was the stores policy not to pursue, but they didn’t enforce it.
                There were a couple of shit bags that would come into the store and steal the Dewalt tool packs and run out the side fire door to their friend waiting on the street in a van. There was about a 3 foot slope from the door down to the side walk that was landscaped with shrubs and small trees. One of the assistant managers had seen this happen several times so he set up a trip wire between the trees were they would run out of the store. The managers saw him in the store again one day and followed him around the store and watched him go out the fire door and trip over the wire. He went face first into the sidewalk and before he could get up his buddy sped off in the van. The assistant manager followed him out the door and held him down until the cops arrived. He then clipped the wire from the trees so nobody was the wiser.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by JP135 View Post
                  A guy I know WAS loss prevention for HD and got fired for chasing a shop-lifter. They hire a guy to prevent losses and then can him when he tries to do his job.
                  Well then it seems I can do that job from home and they can just send me a check.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by talisman View Post
                    What a bunch of cocksuckers.

                    When Lowe's employee Karen Sizemore saw a man shoplifting from her Kentucky store, she says she snapped: "It was just the adrenaline rush, I'm not taking it anymore. You just get to the point where you're so tired of people stealing from you."

                    So Karen, a grandmother and 18-year employee of the chain, followed the thief out to his car and reached into the backseat trying to retrieve the Dewalt tool kit, valued at $600. She wasn't able to get it but she did get the man's license plate number and car make, leading to his arrest. The incident made her a minor celebrity in town and with her coworkers, who nicknamed her "Rambo."

                    But the pursuit also backfired, when Karen was fired this week. Fighting back tears she explains, "their explanation was I put myself and other people in danger and they fired me." Lowe's issued a public statement: "Our policies are in place for the safety of our workers. We have very specific guidelines when it comes to handling potential shoplifters, to ensure the well being of not only our team but our customers." The corporate office has since added that they will further investigate the incident.
                    She should have jumped up and down on their hood.

                    Originally posted by SSMAN
                    ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                      Or Walmart or any chain store. I got in a lot of trouble for stopping a shoplifter who was loading up a riding lawnmower into his truck.
                      for the most part. I saw the WalMart cop follow some guy out to his car a few weeks ago. Cop cuffed him and took him back inside. He stole a 6pk
                      2012 GT500


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by stevo View Post
                        She should have jumped up and down on their hood.

                        really necessary to quote first post there?
                        2012 GT500


                        • #42
                          I worked at Lowe's about 6 years ago and the policies are ridiculous. The LP guy had to have the thief on camera walking in the store, physically stealing the item(s), and walking out. If at any point they go off camera for more than 30 seconds he had to let him go. A case had to be built on each person. If LP watched someone take an item and run he let him go because he didnt know about the cameras.
                          03 cobra


                          • #43
                            I dont get it, if you want personal satifaction, just follow them out and taze them to the point they pass out. Then grab your stuff and walk back in the store like nothing happened.


                            • #44
                              so all this amounts to is if your a thief just go to LOWES and take what you want they wont do shit about it!
                              RIP Roy Sebastion Fraga "lil' Roy" born december 7th 2010 gone back to heaven december 7th 2010. your always in our hearts and thoughts my special little grandson.


                              • #45
                                Damn, it's almost like they're welcoming thieves to just come in and take what they want. Anyone else here think the same?
                                Originally posted by davbrucas
                                I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.

                                Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?

                                You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.

