My old lady was my boss when I first met her. My previous boss thought it would be funny to flash people in the eyes with a damn laser pointer, so I changed departments, and I met my future wife.
This thread depresses me. I'm single and that doesn't look like it's going to change any time soon. Work, friends, clubs, and online seems to be the theme here. I work alone, I have no local friends, I hate clubs, and online is terrible.
At Kroger... I was in hs and cashiering. She rolled thru. Hawt! Started dating. 13 years later were married, have a 2 year old son (who's sitting in my lap now while eating grapes and watching despicable me), and a 5 year old male bridle boxer.
This thread depresses me. I'm single and that doesn't look like it's going to change any time soon. Work, friends, clubs, and online seems to be the theme here. I work alone, I have no local friends, I hate clubs, and online is terrible.
Don't look or chase after one, seems to work every time. If I try to find someone always seems to go bad.
Not much of a story lol, she's really shy. Told me my sister made her eat dinner she had made before our date, so she had an order of french fries with a side or mayo and a Dr. Pepper with no Ice. Took her around on the west side of the area I live in so we could watch the sun go down, swam a bit, and I tried to think of questions to ask that would carry a conversation to be greeted with mostly Yes \ No type answers. Made for tough conversation since I'm shy as well lol. Aside from that it was a nice date. I was a gentleman.
Don't look or chase after one, seems to work every time. If I try to find someone always seems to go bad.
Thats probably good advice. One of my biggest problems is how young I look. I get mistaken for a teenager all the damned time and I am in my late 20's. Second big problem is that I hang out with my sister and we look absolutely nothing alike. Everyone thinks that we are a couple.
A friend introduced us. He and I played hockey together for years. He worked for the Dallas Stars, she was an Ice Girl. He set us up. Been together for 10 years now.
Stephenville, tx. New years eve 1995. My roomates sister was getting married and his girlfriend had a roomate that needed a date. I said sure, best decision I ever made. I saw that wonderfull red hair and we been together ever since. Married in 1996, two wonderful daughters( both with red hair), and 18 years later we are still goong strong.