lmao, I'm glad I've got an hour before I need to do anything. Remember when shit like this used to happen all the time? When I was on Canada yesterday I came across that 1500 reply monster between Neal and Susan when the shit was slung like no other. Couldn't bring myself to dedicate the time to read it all over again, but it was a beast.
that was awesome. pretty sure she registered just for that thread, right?
Nah, to be honest I could care less, I got drug into this in a round about way. Figured I'd double check to make sure and drop it, someone just had to get all shitty over a simple question. I'm done with it, pretty much detest drama.
Nah, to be honest I could care less, I got drug into this in a round about way. Figured I'd double check to make sure and drop it, someone just had to get all shitty over a simple question. I'm done with it, pretty much detest drama.
You say you detest drama, yet you threw that first post out there fishing for it?
We met while she was attending Garfield High School, where I went to give a Kung Fu demonstration; I was attending the University of Washington at the time. Eventually, she became one of my Kung Fu students when she was attending the University of Washington as a student studying to become a teacher.