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New California youth football mercy rule inflames parental passions

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  • New California youth football mercy rule inflames parental passions

    Usually, when a mercy rule becomes a bone of contention it's because the policy isn't instituted soon enough, until after a game is already far out of reach. Yet in one Northern California community the opposite is unfolding, with parents furious about a new rule that they feel is cheating their children and coaches of football and money wasted on fines. Continue reading

    Usually, when a mercy rule becomes a bone of contention it's because the policy isn't instituted soon enough, until after a game is already far out of reach. Yet in one Northern California community the opposite is unfolding, with parents furious about a new rule that they feel is cheating their children and coaches of football and money wasted on fines.

    As reported by Sacramento NBC affiliate KCRA, the Northern California Federation Youth Football League (NCFYFL) instituted stiff new penalties for any teams that beat opponents by 35 points or more. Specifically, those teams will be fined $200 and their coaches will be suspended from all league activities for two weeks. The penalty is a drastic change for the league of 7-13 year-olds, which previously issued teams with a warning following such blowouts and required a written description that detailed what the victorious team had done to try and keep scores low.

    Similar penalties are occasionally installed by other youth leagues, but they usually don't kick in until the disparity in score between the teams is almost twice as much as the 35 points being used by the NCFYFL.

    With the new, harsher penalties, some players have begun insisting that their development is being hurt. One team has stopped attempting any field goals, leaving kicker James McHugh unable to attempt any scoring kicks except points after touchdowns. That's a problem for a 13-year-old who hopes to serve as a high school placekicker in fall 2014.

    McHugh's mother, Kelly McHugh, told KCRA that players on her son's team are afraid to score once they get a lead for fear that their coaches will be penalized and the team won't be able to play the following week.

    "Now they are afraid their coaches are going to get suspended and they are not going to have a coach to come out here and play football," McHugh told KCRA.

    Naturally, the controversial issue has advocates on both sides, with NCFYFL Deputy Commissioner Robert Rochin claiming the rule is a pro-active attempt to keep more kids interested in the sport while teaching others how to be good sports.

    "We lose a lot of football players because their teams lose so badly," Rochin told KCRA. "If they are constantly getting beat, who wants to play anymore? We lose kids all season long because of that.

    "It's not hurting the kids, it's teaching them compassion for the other team. It's teaching them sportsmanship."

  • #2
    Why not just institute a run rule and leave the fines/penalties out of it? This is fucking stupid!


    • #3
      What about teaching them to never give up, determination and always fight back. My argument is, and always has been, it that you need to do something to stop us from scoring. We can't stymie one players growth to appease another players feelings. It setting kids up for failure. They are learning that no matter how bad it gets someone will always be there to bail me out. I bet if the asked the players what they wanted to do they would want to continue playing despite the score.


      • #4
        I think by 7-13 years of age, you either love the game or you do not and need to be prepared to win or lose. under 7 or so i think its prolly a good idea since at the younger ages you are learning and getting acclimated to the game. you stand a chance of turning kids off to whatever sport you are playing. the last few seasons that i have coached Jr's soccer if we are up by 5-7 goals (indoor soccer=scoring lots and fast) i would make the boys complete 3 passes before we took any shots on goal. Now at 7U we go for the jugular. we will beat you 30-0. from 7-13 you need to learn that competition requires 100% effort from 100% of your team, and each kid is counting on the others. at least that how I do it. most can be mediocre, but everyone loves a winner.

        god bless.
        It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


        • #5
          Losers are always whining about their best. Winners go home and fuck the Prom Queen.


          • #6
            The only caveat I will add is that leagues should monitor team stacking or kids who should be playing in a "select" type league but are playing rec ball instead. I scanned the article quickly and didn't see what level of play it is. Most parents push their kids to the proper level of play, but there are some out there who live their life through their kids. They want trophies and think it's a big deal to win 1st place in the shit level of local rec league. This usually occurs when coaches are allowed to submit their own rosters and build a team (which I'm in favor of) but a coach ends up taking a team full of players that should be in a higher league. That's where someone should step in.

            Take mine or Dave's sons for example. They would dominate and never surrender a hit playing baseball in their local leagues with kids their own age. We'd have to add on to the house for all the meaningless trophies they'd collect along the way. There's no point in that though, and it doesn't help player development.

            The rest of that article is BS and the losing teams need to learn to fight and get better.


            • #7
              Originally posted by talisman View Post
              Losers are always whining about their best. Winners go home and fuck the Prom Queen.
              Carla was the prom queen.
              Originally posted by davbrucas
              I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.

              Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?

              You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.


              • #8
                Hell, up North, they have mercy rules at the high school level.


                • #9
                  That whole thing is a bunch of bullshit. Basically holding good kids back and/or penalizing them for kicking ass. Total pussification.

                  I played West Texas Peewee League football as a kid, and it was full blown competition. If you weren't really good, you rode the bench. None of the typical "you pay = you play" policies like Optimist or YMCA leagues. And our coaches pushed us hard. Taught me a lot about real sports and real life. I'm glad I didn't get babied just to be smacked with reality later in life.

                  Sheltering the losers and holding back the winners really just harms both sides.


                  • #10
                    There shouldn't be a mercy rule.
                    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                    • #11
                      We just let the clock run in the second half for them.
                      Originally posted by davbrucas
                      I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.

                      Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?

                      You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.


                      • #12
                        In my son's two games this year they won with a 20-ish to 0 score, during the last game there was a parent of the other team screaming "let them score a point!" over and over. My wife and I had a good laugh.

                        Originally posted by SSMAN
                        ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                        • #13
                          what happened to learning to deal with defeat? Its a part of life.
                          "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


                          • #14
                            Instead of a mercy rule they should require that the second string get put in. The kids riding the bench would benefit.
                            Originally posted by racrguy
                            What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
                            Originally posted by racrguy
                            Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


                            • #15
                              Back in the early 80's I was in little league through 4th & 5th grade. We played one game against a team that was horrible, not one good player on it. A parent was yelling crap because we wouldn't let the other team score. While playing 3rd base I got in trouble for yelling "It's not my fault that your kid sucks". On the other hand, my grandfather got a good laugh from it and after the game told me "some people can't handle the truth, that's their problem".

                              These mercy rules are turning kids into big pussies. It's gotta stop.
                              "You wouldn't know what crazy was if Charles Manson was eating Fruit Loops on your front porch"

