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Who has experience with high deductible health insurance with an additional wellness

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  • Who has experience with high deductible health insurance with an additional wellness

    The title was supposed to say With additional wellness saving account

    I am in pretty good health and have been contributing to health insurance for my whole career. lately I have been interested in a wellness savings acct that if I understand correctly would be usable for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Such as vitamins health checkups and a gym membership vs. tossing money into a sickness plan, that I never use.
    As I understand it, Health insurance costs are largely based on the sickness, not the wellness of the whole employee base. I no longer want my insurance deductions, to go to the group plan. Especially if I am having to pay for this fat fuck that I sit next to. This fat bastard eats from the ELF(Will Ferrell) four food groups. Candy, candy cane, candy corn and syrup. That is when the fat ass is awake. He falls asleep and snores and drools candy on his shirt while his fat ass should be working
    I am not bashing larger people....... Unless it is from poor diet and plain laziness.
    Last edited by Game On; 09-23-2013, 09:06 AM. Reason: At work and generally easily distracted

  • #2
    Everyone here is about to be experienced with this arrangement.
    Originally posted by racrguy
    What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
    Originally posted by racrguy
    Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


    • #3
      I hear HDHP w/HSA are great if you're never sick and or never injured and have frequent trips. I'm sticking with my PPO just because I don't want the what if and then have a huge out of pocket expense.


      • #4

        Well, If I have been paying 3500 a year for over 20 years then I have paid 70,000. That is a crazy amount of money. Had I used a higher deductable and a wellness saving account my out of pocket for the premium would have likely been half, the other half would have been in a savings account for me and family. Kinda makes a high out of pocket for deductible not look so bad to me. I am very disciplined when it comes to money. The detectable would be there when I needed it.
        I wish It was an option before. Now I have reservations due to age, not health.
        Last edited by Game On; 09-23-2013, 10:22 AM. Reason: still retarded


        • #5
          I've been in HDHP with HSA for many years. I basically self-insure, but need the catastrophic coverage.

          Physically active, in good health, no prescriptions, no bad habits, both parents have had good health too.
          I suppose that I have elevated risks with my physical activities, snowboarding, wake boarding, etc.

          At the point where I can see more overall risks in my general health outlook cumulative with age, I'll get plugged into more coverage in health insurance.

          Until then, I just don't want to enpower and fund other peoples bad health, a large part of which is bad personal choices. Obesity, smoking, jumps on prescriptions easily, etc...

          The young adults have it really bad, they will be paying into this system that will carry the largest group of entitlement drains. Not a good way to start a program.
          Jay Johnson
          Car hauler for hire

