The board was good to me last year. I will make sure that the discount is fair for everyone that orders this year.
Also, I made 2 delivery runs last year. One in November, before Thanksgiving when I delivered the cake for Chris' daughter, and another for the Christmas party. The Christmas party delivery will happen again this year. I wont open that up for orders until mid-late November. I am in the metro plex a little more now that I have weekends off and a more normal work schedule, so bulk deliveries are a possibility.
Also, I no longer have to keep the deliveries on the DL. Thanks to an expanded cottage food bill, we are no longer restricted to requiring some step of the transaction to occur at our home (order, payment, or pick up).
Something else I would like to cover since I have a captive audience:
Cake orders. I get requests from time to time for cakes. My work load varies drastically with my current job. I turned a couple of you down recently. I was a bit upset having to turn away a member who I had taken care of the last 3 years. I am having to be very selective with the orders I take due to my work load. So please, shoot me a PM if you are interested in a cake and we can talk about it.
Now, back on track. Who wants my chocolate salty balls....