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How old were you when

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  • #16
    Originally posted by sc281 View Post
    23 3/2/2 in Irving.

    Still in it, but will be selling or making it a rental soon and moving back to a small apartment or buying a small condo.

    (I'm cheap and don't have much stuff anyway, so I don't need more than 600sq ft)

    Make it a rental just in case. I went from a house to an apartment for a little over a year thinking I'd like it since I'm a bit of a minimalist, and while it was a fine place to live, ultimately I was much happier owning a house than dealing with all the bullshit that comes with an apartment. Condo was marginally better. It just sucks flushing that money away every month, especially if you've already owned.

    I was initially going to buy another condo, but the dues for the HOAs have gotten so high since the last time I owned, they ended up almost bridging the gap between the cheapness of a condo compared to the slightly higher monthly expense of a house. With only a couple hundred bucks difference, I'll take a house every time. I'm sure you've already looked, but decent condos in DFW are typically expensive as fuck. I hated the yard work at the old house, so this time I just bit the bullet and hired someone to take care of it, and it has been a much better owning experience for me. Sorry for the novel.


    • #17
      Don't own a house, people want the gold price for their iron and I don't know where I want to live yet. I'm 30.


      • #18
        28. Lived in it for 8 years. In the process of building our new house now.


        • #19
          29 and just finally finding somewhere I want to be for a few years. There's something to be said for the ease of packing up and leaving, which I have done a lot of. I'm stoked about the new place though, 4/3/2 on an acre in a predominantly affluent area


          • #20


            About to buy a "real" house.


            • #21
              25, 4 bedroom 2.5 bath, 2 living room just like Ratt.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Josh.0 View Post
                How old were you when you bought your first house? 23

                Are you still living in it Yes since 99

                If you have not bought a house why not?


                • #23
                  I was 26 lived in it for 2 years


                  • #24
                    22, lived in it for 7.5 yrs.


                    • #25
                      I was 26,bought it in 2003 and lost it is divorce in 2004. I bought me second one in 2005 and sold it 6 years later when the neighborhood started getting too dark. I have been living in y third house since 2011 and hopefully I'll be buying a piece of property on Texoma within a year.


                      • #26
                        I'm doing something wrong, or my family is too poor.
                        30, single, no house.


                        • #27
                          25 - 3/3/3 in Arlington - not living in it, but still own it. Upgraded and moved to Sachse, TX.


                          • #28
                            So, trailer houses don't count?

                            Originally posted by SSMAN
                            ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                            • #29
                              22 I think, in Plano. 2500 sq ft...etc. Sold it 1.5 years ago.
                              Originally posted by MR EDD
                              U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                              • #30
                                30 and yes.

