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Bro Dozer

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  • Bro Dozer

    Is this like the word "fetch".... it just hasn't caught on yet

    Bro Dozer

    Deragatory term for full size trucks with an enourmous lift kit and overly large tires. Driven by a bro. See also: bro, bro edition.

    Check out the guys rollin' in the bro dozer

    Closely related to the salad tosser

    SALAD TOSSER ( P ) Pronunciation Key (saled tôser)
    v. salad tossed, salad toss·ing, salad toss·es
    v. tr.
    2.To agitate ones rectal with tongue
    3.Anal fellatio
    "Lookin' back in front of me in the mirror's a grin,
    through eyes of love I see I'm really lookin' at a friend
    We've all had our problems that's the way life is,
    my heart goes out to others who are there to make amends".

  • #2
    I like that you looked it up on the urbandictionary.

    I think it's only a term you would really know if you had a friend who rolled a brodozer to begin with.

