Ok, so between the move and the holidays, these got overlooked so lets do them NOW! The categories are listed below. Copy and paste the list with your choice next to it then PM ME with your vote. I'll close the nominations NEXT FRIDAY (1/28/11) and will create a survey to take online. 
Any other categories? Post up! Have fun! *I just edited the list to a more current version*
The Classics:
Drama Whore of the Year
Best Thread Starter
Most Unintelligent Member of the Year Award
Dipshit of the Year Award
Most Amusing/Funniest Member of the Year Award
Newbie of the Year Award
Best One-Liners Award
Most Likely to Stalk Another Board Member
Most likely to Die of Their Own Stupidity Award
Most likely to End Up in the Hospital with Something Wedged in their Ass Award
Most likely to Say Something Startlingly Insightful Followed by Something Painfully Stupid Award
Master - Debator Award
Number One Shit Talker Award
Stirring the Shit Pot Award
Biggest Post Whore
Most likely to be banned
Most in need of a Prostitute Award
Most likely to die face down in a pool of his own drunken vomit Award
New Categories
Most Annoying Signature
Member whose tits we all want to see
DFWstangs favorite cop
Most likely to break their car at a DFWstangs event
Best Avatar
Most likely to post drunken / unintelligible jibberish
Most likely to post homo pics, but swear they've never tasted cock
Best project / build
Most likely to call someone out
Most likely to win one of these but not really deserve anything
And the finale... the catch-all, "man of the year," award:
DFWstangs Peace Prize

Any other categories? Post up! Have fun! *I just edited the list to a more current version*

The Classics:
Drama Whore of the Year
Best Thread Starter
Most Unintelligent Member of the Year Award
Dipshit of the Year Award
Most Amusing/Funniest Member of the Year Award
Newbie of the Year Award
Best One-Liners Award
Most Likely to Stalk Another Board Member
Most likely to Die of Their Own Stupidity Award
Most likely to End Up in the Hospital with Something Wedged in their Ass Award
Most likely to Say Something Startlingly Insightful Followed by Something Painfully Stupid Award
Master - Debator Award
Number One Shit Talker Award
Stirring the Shit Pot Award
Biggest Post Whore
Most likely to be banned
Most in need of a Prostitute Award
Most likely to die face down in a pool of his own drunken vomit Award
New Categories
Most Annoying Signature
Member whose tits we all want to see
DFWstangs favorite cop
Most likely to break their car at a DFWstangs event
Best Avatar
Most likely to post drunken / unintelligible jibberish
Most likely to post homo pics, but swear they've never tasted cock
Best project / build
Most likely to call someone out
Most likely to win one of these but not really deserve anything
And the finale... the catch-all, "man of the year," award:
DFWstangs Peace Prize