People. The 10 item or less express lane is, as its name suggests, an express lane for people with 10 or fewer items. When you are in front of me with 15 items I want to punch the back of your head. When you also decide that's the time to cash a check, I am thinking of following you home to set it on fire. Then when you pay for it in EBT and realize you don't have enough on the card you SLOWLY go through each item to decide what to leave behind, I want to eat your children. Then you smile and order 4 packs of smokes and decide to write a check for them..... well you just need to go. You deserve to have your anus stretched over your forehead and then thrown into a pool of tabasco sauce and gasoline and set on fire.
I hate HEB. Hate it with all of my heart.
I hate HEB. Hate it with all of my heart.