Yea, kind of a tight situation. They just got out of the military, moved back from Washington state and started work a few weeks ago. They're also trying to buy a house at this time (living with my parents and 2 kids!!). He isn't too picky, found a few nice Blazers and Explorers in his range.
I paid $2500 for my Blazer and short of putting a new dryer/accumulator on it, it hasn't needed any maintenance outside of the mods I've done. There are deals out there, just don't want to find one and the vehicle be known for falling apart after 100k.
I paid $2500 for my Blazer and short of putting a new dryer/accumulator on it, it hasn't needed any maintenance outside of the mods I've done. There are deals out there, just don't want to find one and the vehicle be known for falling apart after 100k.