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People will complain about anything.

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  • People will complain about anything.

    So much for the friendly skies.

    A passenger aboard an Air India aircraft lodged a complaint recently when her in-flight entertainment unit allegedly insulted her, according to the Times of India.

    The report stated that about five hours into her journey from London to Mumbai, a woman sitting in seat 19H attempted to watch a movie but was unable to get her unit to function properly. After fiddling with various switches and buttons, a message allegedly appeared across the top of the screen that read: "The selection is no currently available. Please try again." But at the bottom of the screen, the instruction was reportedly followed by: "Lie low ... Sit down you idiot!"

    The passenger quickly took a picture of her monitor before the screen went blank and complained to the cabin crew, who were apologetic, stated the Times.

    Air India did not immediately respond to ABC News' requests for comment.
    But a representative initially responded to the Times of India saying that "Our investigation indicates that it was the English subtitle of a Hindi movie that the lady passenger was watching, which froze on the screen when the server went offline. The matter has been taken up with the concerned authorities for rectification".

    However, the female passenger countered, stating that the fonts were the same at both the top and bottom of the screen, and that she wasn't yet watching a film.

  • #2
    Good news stories must be few and far between today...


    • #3
      Reading the thread title I thought Eric was making a thread about himself.


      • #4
        I reported this thread.


        • #5
          this thread sux out loud


          • #6
            You should ride a flight with a bunch of these fucking turds from india. It is like being stuck on a bus with a bunch of filthy Afghans. They can't follow directions for SHIT. Buckle your seat belt means, get up and open the overhead bin, go to the bathroom and stand in the exit row. Now boarding zones XXX means crowd the entrance when you are not called so those that can be called can't get past then stand there with a stupid look on your face.

            So, in all, I am okay with the message for her to sit down, she is more than likely an idiot.
            Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


            • #7
              Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
              You should ride a flight with a bunch of these fucking turds from india. It is like being stuck on a bus with a bunch of filthy Afghans. They can't follow directions for SHIT. Buckle your seat belt means, get up and open the overhead bin, go to the bathroom and stand in the exit row. Now boarding zones XXX means crowd the entrance when you are not called so those that can be called can't get past then stand there with a stupid look on your face.

              So, in all, I am okay with the message for her to sit down, she is more than likely an idiot.
              made me smile


              • #8
                Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                You should ride a flight with a bunch of these fucking turds from india. It is like being stuck on a bus with a bunch of filthy Afghans. They can't follow directions for SHIT. Buckle your seat belt means, get up and open the overhead bin, go to the bathroom and stand in the exit row. Now boarding zones XXX means crowd the entrance when you are not called so those that can be called can't get past then stand there with a stupid look on your face.

                So, in all, I am okay with the message for her to sit down, she is more than likely an idiot.
                Originally posted by Theodore Roosevelt
                It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                  You should ride a flight with a bunch of these fucking turds from india. It is like being stuck on a bus with a bunch of filthy Afghans. They can't follow directions for SHIT. Buckle your seat belt means, get up and open the overhead bin, go to the bathroom and stand in the exit row. Now boarding zones XXX means crowd the entrance when you are not called so those that can be called can't get past then stand there with a stupid look on your face.

                  So, in all, I am okay with the message for her to sit down, she is more than likely an idiot.
                  And they have no concept of getting in line and waiting until it is their turn. I am glad that they are only allowed to go to one DFAC at Leatherneck, so I don't have to deal with them. Unfortunately, they use the same LSA next to my barracks, so I get to hear their gagging routine in the morning.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Mike K View Post
                    And they have no concept of getting in line and waiting until it is their turn. I am glad that they are only allowed to go to one DFAC at Leatherneck, so I don't have to deal with them. Unfortunately, they use the same LSA next to my barracks, so I get to hear their gagging routine in the morning.
                    Oh, the brush your tonsils till you puke routine. Love it. My favorite is the "hey buddy shave my back and I will shave yours." Yes, I walked in on that one in the latrines at Camp Phoenix last month. There is always their shitting habits. Like shitting in the showers. And similar to the OP, the lavatory on the flight from Dubai to Dallas aboard Emirates where the floor is covered in water and wet used toilet paper. Fucking animals.
                    Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                      Oh, the brush your tonsils till you puke routine. Love it. My favorite is the "hey buddy shave my back and I will shave yours." Yes, I walked in on that one in the latrines at Camp Phoenix last month. There is always their shitting habits. Like shitting in the showers. And similar to the OP, the lavatory on the flight from Dubai to Dallas aboard Emirates where the floor is covered in water and wet used toilet paper. Fucking animals.
                      I know a few Emirates stewardesses. The stories they tell are hilarious and go on for days.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                        Fucking animals.
                        That pretty well sums it up. Filthy, backwards, inbred, incestuous, stone age animals.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Buzzo
                          Some dudes jump out of airplanes, I fuck hookers without condoms.



                          • #14
                            And they smell like curry and B.O.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                              Oh, the brush your tonsils till you puke routine. Love it. My favorite is the "hey buddy shave my back and I will shave yours." Yes, I walked in on that one in the latrines at Camp Phoenix last month. There is always their shitting habits. Like shitting in the showers. And similar to the OP, the lavatory on the flight from Dubai to Dallas aboard Emirates where the floor is covered in water and wet used toilet paper. Fucking animals.
                              You're fuckin with me, right? That's fucking sick!

