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Dfwautogurus...accord v. VW Tdi

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  • #31
    Wonder what that does to the warranty?


    • #32
      Can you do emission deletes on a 13?


      • #33
        Probably, as long as you don't want a warranty or inspection sticker.


        • #34
          Dfwautogurus...accord v. VW Tdi

          Diesels don't have emissions tests and I know most places don't looks at crap for the safety inspection.


          • #35
            Planning to go back Tuesday and test drive the Passat TDI. I talked to a guy this morning that was driving a gas Passat. He said he wanted the TDI but after driving it on the highway. The 50-70mph passing power with TDI, was less than impressive and when he travels back home it was mainly two lane road so he wanted passing power. As for daily trips, he said he mainly drives 10-15 mile trips around town. His opinion was the TDI was more for road mileage and it would be better suited for 30 plus (one way) mile trips.


            • #36
              Originally posted by 1carcrazyguy View Post
              His opinion was the TDI was more for road mileage and it would be better suited for 30 plus (one way) mile trips.
              That is definitely just HIS opinion. I only drive 10 miles one way daily, for fuel mileage it pays to drive it. But then again that is my opinion.

              You will make your own opinion and thats what will really matter of course because these cars arent for everyone.


              • #37
                We will be using the car for back and fourth to work. Then around town so probably will fall within the 10-15 miles trips. However we do make trips to see family in Rockport and Amarillo about once every 6 weeks or so. In the last 2 years we put 50k miles on our daily driver.

                Probably going to end up with the Accord Sport. Mainly due to diesel being higher in price per gallon. So the extra mpg's of the TDI will offset a bit. Plus we will likely only keep the car 2-3 years and then replace with a new daily at that point.


                • #38
                  For the TDI owners. How does the car handle in the rain and snow? Just curious if the "drag brake" issue causes any problems when the roads are not optimum. Just seems like when you let off the gas and the car decelerates so fast. It might not want to track straight?


                  • #39
                    I've never had an issue with driving my tdi in snow or rain.


                    • #40
                      Is your TDI auto (DSG)?

                      We plan to go drive the Passat tomorrow before we rule it out.


                      • #41


                        • #42
                          It doesn't break that strong, its just like a standard if you let off the gas and don't push in the clutch. You also gotta figure your only turning 1800-2500 rpm when this occurs and when you get to around 45 miles and under its very minimal.


                          • #43
                            Id go VW all the way, having owned 3 Hondas and 3 VWs...

                            That said, I am selling a 2012 VW CC that is like new, 28k miles, DSG automated manual trans (twin clutch/twin trans), blue/cornsilk. Only selling it to buy another Corvette. asking 19,900, all it needs is tires. Dealers selling same car for 24-26k. Averaged 32 mpg coming home from Austin last night, gets mid 20s in town and runs on 87 (if you wanted to). Anyone interested just shoot me a pm.


                            • #44
                              I bet those cc's would be sell a shit ton if they had the tdi in them.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by snacksnack View Post
                                I bet those cc's would be sell a shit ton if they had the tdi in them.
                                Probably so, the 2.0 turbo gets similar mpg around town as a diesel and about 10 less on the highway. It does quite well. It smokes my old TL by almost double the mpg, and its faster top speed and quicker in the qtr mile by almost a second. Lmfao at Honda fail.

