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U.S. won't interfere with states on marijuana sales

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  • #61
    The new laws in Colorado still restrict use to private residences. I was there just a few weeks ago and never once smelled weed burning outside.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Trip McNeely View Post
      Fuck it then make it all legal, why discriminate? Declassify every drug. It wont affect you anyways.
      How very Libertarian of you!

      Also: the 10th Amendment

      The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

      Federal govt should fuck off on many of the laws they've passed.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Trip McNeely View Post
        Just because it's legal, doesn't mean I want to be around it or have my kids around it. This will be a big issue. I don't want to be walking down a street or at a restaurant and be exposed to it because some dipshit doesn't care about anyone but themselves. I find that this will be the attitude as it is with most smokers. The problem is it will affect me differently than the average asshole blowing cigarette smoke in mine or my children's faces.
        No, it won't affect you differently at all. You're making up reasons to complain, and that means you have no legitimate basis for your argument. Just because you don't agree with something, doesn't mean it should be illegal. Furthermore, using unborn children as a crutch in a hypothetical scenario is weak. A good parent would use your scenario as an opportunity to teach their children.
        Originally posted by BradM
        But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
        Originally posted by Leah
        In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


        • #64
          I have no issues with it being legalized, but my opinion is that it should be up to individual states. For everyone that has a problem with that, you always have the freedom to move out of any state of which you do not approve of the laws. I do not approve of a state income tax-hence the reason I will not be moving to Louisiana. If Texas was to enact such laws, I would move.

          Originally posted by SSMAN
          ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Trip McNeely View Post
            Just because it's legal, doesn't mean I want to be around it or have my kids around it. This will be a big issue. I don't want to be walking down a street or at a restaurant and be exposed to it because some dipshit doesn't care about anyone but themselves. I find that this will be the attitude as it is with most smokers. The problem is it will affect me differently than the average asshole blowing cigarette smoke in mine or my children's faces.
            Its not legal in either state for "Public" use. Private use (at home) or during festivals.

            If this carries over to other states, you would only have to worry about taking your kids to hippie concerts or a smoker friends house..


            • #66
              Obviously he has no stance other than saying its bad, or things would have been rebutted by now.

