Don't everybody bust out your tinfoil hats at once. The article does NOT say that your Facebook friends could affect your credit score. It talks about some companies out there using it in their own decisions for making loans, among other factors. None of those companies are big players here, if at all. And again, it's not your credit score.
And LOL @ the Facebook = drama shit. I don't have drama on Facebook or elsewhere, and frankly, I don't think any of my Facebook friends do, either. People who thrive on drama will have drama wherever they go. Drama is attached to the person, not the social network, message board, website, blog, etc.
If you have drama on Facebook and quit Facebook, I bet you'll still have drama. And vice versa - if you don't have drama in your life, you won't have it on Facebook.
I'm off and on with facebook, but it is easier to stay in touch with people since I can't stand using the phone. Besides my brother, I've blocked all family, and I delete anyone who posts-up random shit over and over again, political shit, Candy Crush bullshit, etc. I'll probably go on another deleting spree soon. It's really only my friends that know me pretty-well that are on there, with very few exceptions.