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Idea for boy's achievements

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  • #16
    Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
    You can be a hardcore badass without being a hardcore badass towards your kids.
    Well shit, dude. At one point I was supposed to be the poster child nancy-boy, over-privileged, affluent suburban kid on here (a distant second to DOHCTR, of course), and while I can't speak for ages sub-6 or so, I don't recall a steady stream of rewards at the end of every goal; accomplishing things was just kind of expected. I certainly wasn't left wanting of necessity, or even for some modicum of frivolity, and I bring this up only to reflect the changes in attitudes on here, but incentivization of your kid's life seems like some OG anti-DFMW shit!

    OP: not criticizing your parenting or the question, merely observing a rather hysterical shift in attitudes on here.


    • #17
      Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
      Buy a puzzle of Yankee Stadium. Every time he meets a goal give him a piece. When he gets all the pieces and completes the puzzle, take him's what I did and worked great. And we had a great time!
      Originally posted by talisman View Post
      That's pretty damn cool, Dave.
      Didn't they tear that place down?


      • #18
        Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
        Hot wheels?
        The boys age would help. I would think something sports related is a good idea. Maybe baseball cards.
        He's 6 at the moment. But like the charm bracelet, hopefully something that will be of meaning as he gets older. I thought about Hot Wheels, but he has so many right now, I don't think they hold value to him

        Originally posted by Slowhand View Post
        Well shit, dude. At one point I was supposed to be the poster child nancy-boy, over-privileged, affluent suburban kid on here (a distant second to DOHCTR, of course), and while I can't speak for ages sub-6 or so, I don't recall a steady stream of rewards at the end of every goal; accomplishing things was just kind of expected. I certainly wasn't left wanting of necessity, or even for some modicum of frivolity, and I bring this up only to reflect the changes in attitudes on here, but incentivization of your kid's life seems like some OG anti-DFMW shit!

        OP: not criticizing your parenting or the question, merely observing a rather hysterical shift in attitudes on here.
        These accomplishments take the kids a couple of months to do and do right, so it's not like I'm handing something out for taking out the garbage or other medial chore. It's a task that go beyond just functioning in the household.

        Besides, this is DFWM...I expected some grief and drama!
        "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey

