Their is one more group more annoying than the diesel gang! It's the motorcycle ninjas these guys are the most annoying. I like Thursdays just so I can fuck with them on 635 it's like swatting flies
Not really but see people doing it all the time! They usually end up in someone's back seat though dont get all bent out of shape about me hating on the ninjas you've seen how they act they are a disgrace to the cycle community
Damn, I'm screwed here, I drive a diesel daily and ride a sportbike. It's a good thing I have a mustang and a BMW sport touring to help even me out. Not sure where my regal, dirtbike, old boat, and moped put me in the end.
after driving a pickup for a little while it's funny how height plays into factor when it comes these trucks you speak of.. bigger the truck/lift/stack = shorter the driver
now on to you 91coupemike.. how long did you think before you hit the Submit New Thread on this genius thread idea? you came to a car forum to bitch about how loud other cars are. think about that. i can see your next thread over at about how loud shooting ranges are