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Let's talk employee benefits...(mainly medical insurance)

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  • Let's talk employee benefits...(mainly medical insurance)

    So, we're going through open enrollment right now. Let me start off by saying that I work for a non-profit, public charter school. So funding is a huge, constant battle from what I'm learning. I've never worked for a non profit, or school system so I don't know if what we're dealing with in regards to insurance premiums is the norm or if I should consider going back to corporate America for better benefits.

    Now that 0babmacare is a done deal, I have to sign the family up on the insurance plan. Our cheapest for spouse and kids is about $640/mo. That's with a $4800 deductible and no copays. It wasn't necessarily cheap before, which is why the wife and I made the decision to not cover them(wife and kids) before but now that we'll be penalized, we kinda have to.

    I guess my main question is if that is the norm now among other corporations?

  • #2
    Is that $4800 deductible for the family, or as an individual?


    • #3


      • #4
        $640 a month? fuck!
        "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

        -- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334


        • #5
          Feel grateful for choo choo money/benefits at $200 month.


          • #6
            640 a month? It may be cheaper to pay the "penalty." That's 7680 in premiums, and 12480 after deductible. Jesus H!


            • #7
              I am no longer covered by my ex wife's insurance, but I do still pay the family rate, which is roughly $280/mo. It is fantastic coverage, and they pay most of the premium. $1000 deductible for the family, $15 copays, etc.

              Through my employer's crappy insurance plan, I am to pay half, which is like $340/mo just for me. I think our deductible is $5000 per person. My kids are both covered by the ex wife's plan for obvious reasons. I haven't been on our insurance in years, and we are in open enrollment now as well. I REALLY don't like the idea of being forced to get coverage. Fuck this place and what it has become.
              Originally posted by BradM
              But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
              Originally posted by Leah
              In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


              • #8
                Mine is only 140 a month for the family it's with Aetna.


                • #9
                  Fuck the pos obamacare might just be better for you


                  • #10
                    Man my 60 a month and 2000 deductible seems nice now
                    07 f250-family truckster
                    08 Denali -baby hauler
                    52 f1-rust bucket
                    05 Jeep tj. Buggy
                    livin the double-wide dream


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by 03mustangdude View Post
                      Feel grateful for choo choo money/benefits at $200 month.
                      [Oldhead] bullshit! That's a load of shit I didn't usedta have to pay shit for insurance! This company is going down the shitter! [/Oldhead]


                      • #12
                        I'm up to 600+ a month for 4 person family and the deductible is 4000 for the family. AND, it looks like my monthly is going to go up 7%.

                        I seriously should look into going another route.


                        • #13
                          Our best plan works out to about $620 a month for family+spouse, $1200 dedcuctible, $25 copays.

                          Thankfully I'm already getting Tricare though, cost is $0.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by 01vnms4v View Post
                            Fuck the pos obamacare might just be better for you
                            The cheapest Obummer care plan is expected to cost about $20K a year.


                            • #15
                              I pay about 25% ($300) per month of the total monthly cost ($1200) of my employer-sponsored family plan. Deductible is $300 per person with a $600 family max, with the plan generally paying 85% of covered expenses within their provider network. Routine doctors office visits require a $20 copay.

