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mid 80s Rolls Royce a bad idea for a daily?

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  • #16
    A friend of mine had a rolls back in the 80's, and it broke the crankshaft one day sitting at a stop light. He had it towed to the dealer, a week later they called and said his car was ready.
    He asked them about the failure and got a reply of "Sir, Rolls Royce'd dont break crankshafts" and that was that.
    "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


    • #17
      Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
      The brits in the 80's fucked up a Honda's reliability. Imagine what a purely brit car would be like.


      • #18
        I had always heard their reliability was legendary.


        • #19
          Originally posted by ram57ta View Post
          Were you saddled with one or no somebody that was?


          • #20
            If being a British car has anything to do with it, I'd have to compare it with a Jaguar then. And an 80's Jag is a pile of shit if it hasn't been well maintained. At one time we had about 6 Xj's and though they were all in decent shape and nice cars, they were still British piles.

            There's a reason Lucas (electronics) is referred to as the Prince of Darkness, it's because you could be rolling down the road all peachy and shit and instantly driving in the dark because the electrics are junk.

            Lucas Electrics only made one product that truly did not suck, it was there vacuum cleaner.


            • #21
              I know someone that has one, hasn't driven it in 15 years. They are a pain if something breaks and the gas mileage is terrible. Both things that would make DDing it suck.


              • #22
                LSx swap would fix everything.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by jw33 View Post
                  LSx swap would fix everything.
                  It won't help with the rest of the car being a POS.

                  They are a great example of what happens when the government takes over management of companies deemed too big to fail.


                  • #24
                    You should jack it up on 28s and make the first grey poupon rolls-donk.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by YALE View Post
                      SRT/4 swap the cruiser.
                      PT GT is basically the same thing.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by shumpertdavid View Post

                        There's a reason Lucas (electronics) is referred to as the Prince of Darkness, it's because you could be rolling down the road all peachy and shit and instantly driving in the dark because the electrics are junk.

                        Lucas Electrics only made one product that truly did not suck, it was there vacuum cleaner.
                        That's funny.. for as long as i can remember my dad has had a bumper sticker on his tool box that reads "Why do the English drink warm beer? Because they have Lucas refrigerators."


                        • #27
                          When the government pays, the government controls.


                          • #28
                            All I can say is run away. My father got one in a trade for something like $20,000 and had it for a month. For that month I made wildly liberal use of it (he was on vacation for about a week of said month). It was a 1996 Silver Dawn with 70,000 miles I believe and on like day 2 one of the rear windows got stuck about 2 inches down. After removing the door panel we discovered that the windows operated on some sort of weird chain driven system with multiple servos, a system I have never seen before that. So that had to get fixed, but then power steering fluid started leaking and Rolls Royce, being the spectacular engineers that they are made it so somehow when the pump started leaking you had to replace the whole front steering rack (I shit you not). We luckily found one out in California and replaced the rack. All in all we drove the car for about a month and it cost my Dad about $3,000 in repairs. He said that he always thought those were cool cars but is cured of his Rolls Royce bug.
                            Originally posted by lincolnboy
                            After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by 46Tbird View Post
                              Ah yes, a necessary tool when working on British Electronics (among most all others on rare occasions). Typically once you let the smoke out it requires a component replacement, but with this little jewel, once you repair the smoke leak you simply fill it back up. Much like repairing an a\c leak.


                              • #30
                                mid 80s Rolls Royce a bad idea for a daily?

                                I dig this one!

