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Animal Control

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  • #31
    Man, My dad and I cried like little babies when we buried a pup we had. I was probably 11 or 12 and helped dig the grave.

    Tough times.

    Damn allergies are flaring up right now.


    • #32
      We had the same problem with our neighbors cats, Buttkiss took care of that problem though!
      August Landscaping
      Seb's high class.
      He'll mow your grass.
      He'll kick your ass.
      And while his kidney stones pass,
      He'll piss in a glass!


      • #33
        Originally posted by Couver View Post
        Do they drop off and pick up live traps or do you have to go get them?

        My neighbors dogs bark all the time I get it that's what dogs do. As will cats piss in your flower beds just them being them.

        But when the "crazy cat lady" next door feeds every feral cat within 2 miles at what point do you say enough? I can't walk out in my front yard or work in the flower beds without finding cat leavings. At last count when I left this am there were 8 waiting for breakfast. I never want to be that guy and her husband rounds them up now and again. But fuck me it's getting old putting a lot of work into a yard and having feral cats fucking it up.

        **edit I have said something to him and when I do it gets better. Just he travels a lot and boom more shitters.
        Here in San Antonio we had this exact same issue at my girlfriend's sister's house. I called animal control and they sent over an officer to investigate. He found her hoarding cats and setting out large amounts of food for the feral outside cats. He ordered her to surrender the cats and fined her as well. Since then the cats have disappeared.

        It was really bad. There were always dead and dying cats in and around her house and under the sister's house stinking it up to high hell.

        Try giving animal control a call. I know down here there is a limit to the amount of cats an individual can own.


        • #34
          Damn Craig, that's some rough shit.


          • #35

            Raked and mulched. Then laid down weapons grade cayenne pepper. No cats for awhile.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Couver View Post

              Raked and mulched. Then laid down weapons grade cayenne pepper. No cats for awhile.
              I got a laugh outta that.
              Matts1911SA - XBox Live Gamertag

