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F a turn signal, right guys?!

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  • #16
    are we drunk?


    • #17
      I used to get pissed off about it, now I've just adopted the "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em mentality." What pisses me off these days are the goddamn assholes that get in behind me at night. Get your fucking headlights out of my eyes, you cocksucker. Who the fuck do you think you are?! Find another route to your location!

      Another thing thing are the fucking assholes who catch the light when it's green after I've been stopped for ten fucking minutes with it red. These days, I don't really stay stopped at red lights very long, if I'm the first in line. Only at select lights though, where the lights are timed and not based on traffic.

      No, I don't have anger issues.
      How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


      • #18
        Thanks for not busting balls about trying to drive, drink a beer and post at the same time.


        • #19
          Originally posted by A+ View Post
          Thanks for not busting balls about trying to drive, drink a beer and post at the same time.
          I sure as hell wasn't going to because I was doing the same thing when I posted earlier!


          • #20
            I like using it when I'm already in the lane. That's always fun. Or blink it half a blink.


            • #21
              Originally posted by kobuzz View Post
              I sure as hell wasn't going to because I was doing the same thing when I posted earlier!


              • #22
                stupid people that are speeding and use turn signals. why does every one get on the back bumper of the slow car infront of them and then decide to switch lanes.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by BMCSean View Post
                  I turn my signal on prematurely, then change it at the last second.
                  Originally posted by A+ View Post
                  I'm getting a lot of mixed signals in this thread....
                  Originally posted by UserX View Post
                  I never trust peoples' signals anyway.
                  Originally posted by kobuzz View Post
                  I'm not giving any information to the enemy.
                  Originally posted by A+ View Post
                  I typically drive with my hazards on at all times. Just so other people know to look out for me because idk where I'm going.
                  serious lulz in here
                  DE OPPRESSO LIBER


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by idrivea4banger View Post
                    I leave my blinker on after I make a turn.
                    Saturday I got beside a brown 60's Dodge pickup that had his right turn signal on, so I slowed down a bit so he could move into my lane in front of me... he never did. I say something to my wife about him forgetting to turn it off, etc. We continue to the bank, and then go to lunch.

                    Fast forward about two hours, and as we were heading back home, I came up on the back of the same truck, my wife says "I wonder if he still has his blinker on?" Sure enough, he did.

                    Originally posted by SSMAN
                    ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                    • #25
                      Blinkers are for women drivers that do not know which way they are turning, it is a viusal aid.

                      what pisses me off the most is when I am in the far right lane and someone is in the middle lane next to me. They then realize their right turn is coming up and they are in the wrong lane. So instead of slowing down, getting behind me to make their turn, they speed up and get in front of me when their turn is like 100yds or less from our current location. And then the FUCKING BASTARDS DON'T USE THEIR G.D. TURN SIGNALS INDICATING THE IMPENDING CHANGE OF DIRECTION CAUSING ME TO SOMETIMES SPILL MY GRANDE MOCHACINO.


                      • #26
                        Drivers often don't use turn signals because they already know they are turning and have more important concerns than letting anyone else know.


                        • #27
                          I only use that fucking thing if I want to tell someone where I am going. If there is nobody around, I don't use it. AND IT DRIVES MY WIFE FUCKING CRAZY. She hates it. I have to remind her that it is a communication method. Using it with no one around is as good as talking to yourself.
                          Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                          • #28


                            • #29
                              I was just talking about this the other day. I've never seen so many people not use turn signals as I do now. Pisses me off when they just come to a quick stop, then turn! WTF!!

                              I guess in this day and age it's hard to flick your finger up or down while you're trying to text/talk on your cell phone.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by UserX View Post
                                I never trust peoples' signals anyway.
                                Yep some people just leave them on all day

