Originally posted by FATHERFORD
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Change allows for higher child support payments
Originally posted by ELVIS View Postgotcha, i figure he was too busy ordering some of those delicious tacos he is always posting up to make a coherent post.
god bless.
Tacos do sound good right about now.Originally posted by talismanI wonder if there will be a new character that specializes in bjj and passive agressive comebacks?Originally posted by AdamLXIf there was, I wouldn't pick it because it would probably just keep leaving the game and then coming back like nothing happened.Originally posted by BroncojohnnyBecause fuck you, that's whyOriginally posted by 80coupenice dick, Idrivea4bangerOriginally posted by Rick Modena......and idrivea4banger is a real person.Originally posted by JesterMan ive always wanted to smoke a bowl with you. Just seem like a cool cat.
Originally posted by bcoop View PostHave you? The financial responsibility should not rely 100% on the shoulders of the father. Are you telling me it takes $3420/month to raise a child? That is absurd. I don't pay near that, and even what I pay out is absurd. I know damn well what it takes to raise my daughter, and the amount I pay is excessive.
The cap raised.$1700 is NOT out of the question if they're used to a certain lifestyle.
Originally posted by Vertnut View PostThat's all I meant. It does seem high, but some people pay $200 week for child care. Throw in a doctors visit and a few scripts, and 3 square's a day, and it's not hard to imagine.Originally posted by BradMBut, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.Originally posted by LeahIn other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.
Originally posted by bcoop View PostThat works out to $860/mo in child care. Let's say 3 doc visits at $100/ea, and 3 scripts at $50/ea. Even eating prime steaks three times a day, $400/mo in food is EXTREMELY high. That adds up to $1710. So, what exactly does the mother pay for then?
Originally posted by racrguy View PostA kid has to drive in order to survive?
Kids don't NEED to drive. They need food housing and clothing.
Originally posted by Vertnut View PostThink about who this applies too. A guy (or lady) making $100k a year. Their kids are entitled to a "decent" lifestyle. You can spend your life shuttling teenagers around.
Originally posted by Vertnut View PostAre yours driving yet? When yours hit 16, holler at me. Your kids are cheap right now.
I don't give a damn how much I make, they aren't entitled to one red cent of it outside of the necessities (food, shelter, clothes). If they want something, they will have to work for it. It's already that way with my son. I buy him birthday presents and pay for his sports. He does not get an allowance, and if he wants something outside of sports or birthday presents, he has to earn the money to buy it. This is the way I was raised and is the way I'm raising my kids.Originally posted by BradMBut, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.Originally posted by LeahIn other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.
Originally posted by FATHERFORD View PostSo if one makes $8,550 a month they have to pay $1710 why the fuck does a kid need $1710 a month?
IMO each couple should add up the recurring expenses for each kid and split that 50/50. Then whoever makes more should add x% on top to provide for whatever if the kid lives with the lower income parent.
Originally posted by racrguy View PostOr, you know. Teach your kids responsibility and buy them a 2k beater and make them get a job to pay for gas/insurance/maintenance.Originally posted by stevoNot a good idea to go Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor on the power phallus.
Originally posted by bcoop View PostNope. And when they reach that age, it's not my problem. If they want to drive, I will provide ONE car, and it will be a beater. Insurance and gas is on them. If they wreck the car I give them, it's up to them to replace it. If they can't afford insurance and gas, they won't be driving. If they can't afford to replace the car, should they wreck it, they won't be driving.
I don't give a damn how much I make, they aren't entitled to one red cent of it outside of the necessities (food, shelter, clothes). If they want something, they will have to work for it. It's already that way with my son. I buy him birthday presents and pay for his sports. He does not get an allowance, and if he wants something outside of sports or birthday presents, he has to earn the money to buy it. This is the way I was raised and is the way I'm raising my kids.
Originally posted by Vertnut View PostYour kids won't be doing much in high school? Kind of hard to have a decent job in high school if you're a star baseball player/football player/cheerleader, etc. When your kids hit that age, it changes. It takes dedication to excel in any sport.Originally posted by BradMBut, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.Originally posted by LeahIn other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.