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Wild Bill: Possession of child pornography.

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  • #46

    Just creepy as fuck.


    • #47
      Originally posted by slow99 View Post
      Trying to piece together how misunderstandings result in child porn charges.
      According to him, he was trying to bust some real kiddie porn people, then his wife thought he was acting weird and ran some recovery program on his computer and found kiddie porn. And also some floppy disks of kiddie porn that he had "saved as evidence". So she turned him in for it. And he was only convicted because his lawyer sucked.


      • #48
        ^^^ annnd why wouldn't he tell his wife he was trying to be the heroic detective?


        • #49
          I read thread #2 last night, I knew his SN sounded familiar.
          Street car.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Chili View Post
            According to him, he was trying to bust some real kiddie porn people, then his wife thought he was acting weird and ran some recovery program on his computer and found kiddie porn. And also some floppy disks of kiddie porn that he had "saved as evidence". So she turned him in for it. And he was only convicted because his lawyer sucked.
            Originally posted by ELVIS View Post
            prolly "research" like pete townshend. lolz

            god bless.

            props the the "child bill" tag. its truly solid. I'd like to shake your hand.

            god bless.
            It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


            • #51
              Originally posted by slow99 View Post
              Trying to piece together how misunderstandings result in child porn convictions.
              It wasn't his, he was just holding it for a friend. Don't be so silly...
              Originally posted by BradM
              But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
              Originally posted by Leah
              In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


              • #52
                Originally posted by ELVIS View Post
                props the the "child bill" tag. its truly solid. I'd like to shake your hand.

                god bless.
                You're welcome sir.


                • #53
                  Not reading that much.

                  Send him to the Catholic church.


                  • #54
                    I never knew the Amber Hagerman story but just looked it up since he brought it up in his post.. Holy fuck, he is actually admitting to having had an appointment at the Laundrymat where the truck used in the abduction was seen, on the day of her abduction?

                    ..."I saw her riding up and down [the vacant lot]," he told reporters. "She was by herself. I saw this pickup. He pulled up, jumped out and grabbed her...When she screamed, I figured the police ought to know about it, so I called them. I wish I had known more. I done all I could do."

                    Kevil described the man as "not big, but very fast." He was white or Hispanic, and his truck was dark. But he was too far to give much more detail...

                    ...The truck driven by Amber Hagerman's abductor was seen outside a laundromat near the Winn-Dixie plaza before the girl was snatched.

                    Police theorized it was an impetuous crime of opportunity since Amber had no established pattern of riding her bicycle there at that time of day.

                    The man likely watched Amber and Ricky ride into the parking lot together. He pounced on the girl just moments after her brother left to ride back to his grandparents' home...


                    • #55
                      sure read that way to me ?


                      • #56
                        Can someone link the page where he mentioned being in the neighborhood at the time?


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Mike View Post
                          Can someone link the page where he mentioned being in the neighborhood at the time?

                          Its in his "It's owed " response

                          Really hard to read the way he typed it, font, limited punctuation

                          It’s owed. I owe my actual friends an acquaintances here an explanation. Others………..not so much. First off, his is my last post. I won’t be replying. Second, the guy in California is not me! That is William Louis Lemay III. I have posts on here the year he was in prison. Ihave written to the...


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Mike View Post
                            Can someone link the page where he mentioned being in the neighborhood at the time?
                            It's in his post on yellow bullitt.. The one linked in Eric's op.. BTW, he didn't say he was in the neighborhood at the time of the abduction, he said he was supposed to be, but changed the appointment the day before.

                            I felt guilt because I had an appointment to inspect the boiler at the laundry mat she at the time she was abducted from the area. The day before, I got a call from the owner of a cleaners that he needed to change his appointment time. So I changed the laundry mat’s time. I felt and still feel that I could have done something or at least seen something.


                            • #59
                              Now it's getting interesting.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by inline 6 View Post
                                Now it's getting interesting.
                                Just to be clear, I am in no way insinuating anything. Just can't believe he would make any sort of reference to that, given the nature of his post..

