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anyone commute from Little Elm?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by CWO View Post

    I was afraid of that. Found the perfect house up there too. Oh well, the search continues. Thanks for the input.
    I know. I hated it too. Perfect house...perfect price. I hated backing out. The house backed up to the Lowes up there. I work in the Shops at Legacy area. The drive to work was only 20 mins taking the Tollway. If I ever lost my job or changed jobs - and got stuck working in Richardson, Los Colinas, or even worse - Downtown Dallas...I'd be hating life. I bailed on the home last Sept/Oct and just started looking again recently.
    Rachel McAdams nude pics


    • #17
      I take panther creek to the tollway usually. Legacy flows pretty well though. I live at 380 and 423 and it takes me 25 minutes to get to GB and the tollway.


      • #18
        Originally posted by mustang_marc View Post
        I know. I hated it too. Perfect house...perfect price. I hated backing out. The house backed up to the Lowes up there. I work in the Shops at Legacy area. The drive to work was only 20 mins taking the Tollway. If I ever lost my job or changed jobs - and got stuck working in Richardson, Los Colinas, or even worse - Downtown Dallas...I'd be hating life. I bailed on the home last Sept/Oct and just started looking again recently.
        It could be worse.... I live in the Eldorado/Independence area of Frisco (8-9mi East of there) and work in both Las Colinas (36mi) and in Corinth (20mi).

        Commute is between 35-40min each. Still not that bad...

        If it's the right house, go for it.


        • #19
          Originally posted by 94mstng94 View Post
          I take panther creek to the tollway usually. Legacy flows pretty well though. I live at 380 and 423 and it takes me 25 minutes to get to GB and the tollway.

          I do the same most of the time, I'm close to the same area as you. I'll take 423 to Panther then Legacy and it's pretty good from there.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Roscoe View Post
            It could be worse.... I live in the Eldorado/Independence area of Frisco (8-9mi East of there) and work in both Las Colinas (36mi) and in Corinth (20mi).

            Commute is between 35-40min each. Still not that bad...

            If it's the right house, go for it.
            I used to live off 360/Green Oaks in N Arlington and work over in the Preston/Frankford area...then that office moved. Lived in the same place and worked at 75/Campbell. Days of 35-40 minute commutes, which occasionally turned into 1hr-1hr 10mins because of wrecks - are gone. I'm not giving up nearly 2 hours of my life each day - being stuck in my car. I can think of a lot better things to do with that time...spend it with loved ones, spend time on my hobbies, etc. I'd rather pay a little more for a residence and live no more than 10-15 mins from work. Everyone has their own preference...I've experienced the long drives/commutes - won't do it again.
            Rachel McAdams nude pics


            • #21
              Originally posted by bjtheman1 View Post
              I do the same most of the time, I'm close to the same area as you. I'll take 423 to Panther then Legacy and it's pretty good from there.
              Tolls are a bitch!


              • #22
                Originally posted by Geor! View Post
                The entire highway is going to be widened. It's going to take quite some time to do it as well. Work really hasn't even begun yet either.
                From what I've heard they will be diverting all, or at least most, traffic over to Paige. It's going to suck.


                • #23
                  I don't know if it will help your time any but you do have an alternate route via the Lake Lewisville toll bridge.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Real Estate Nate View Post
                    What about the East side of The Colony...there is an area called The Legends that has some pretty nice properties and the neighborhood seems to turn well. Its a short jaunt to 121 then your off to Plano/Frisco to the east and a 15 minute ride to Grapevine.
                    I actually moved to that neighborhood last April... love it

                    I work in Frisco and it takes me bout 15-20 minutes to get to Main & the Tollway( no tolls.. i take 121 to DNT Service Road )

                    I'll take Main Street to 423 towards The Colony sometimes to go home but rarely cause it takes longer.. and this is at 3pm when it's not packed.

                    Its a bitch going into Little Elm round 5pm from The Colony.. obviously why they are widening it.
                    Last edited by unkoricky; 01-18-2011, 08:31 AM.
                    Originally posted by 03trubluGT
                    Your opinion is what sucks.
                    You are too stupied and arrogant


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by unkoricky View Post
                      I actually moved to that neighborhood last April... love it

                      I work in Frisco and it takes me bout 15-20 minutes to get to Main & the Tollway( no tolls.. i take 121 to DNT Service Road )

                      I'll take Main Street to 423 towards The Colony sometimes to go home but rarely cause it takes longer.. and this is at 3pm when it's not packed.

                      Its a bitch going into Little Elm round 5pm from The Colony.. obviously why they are widening it.
                      Good to hear! Liquor store is 2 minutes away too!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Real Estate Nate View Post
                        Good to hear! Liquor store is 2 minutes away too!
                        hahaha... the liquor store is literally a no more than a 5 minute walk from my house... over priced though

                        Goody Goody FTW.
                        Originally posted by 03trubluGT
                        Your opinion is what sucks.
                        You are too stupied and arrogant

