CHILI'S ADDED ANOTHER GIVE BACK NIGHT FOR US!! PLEASE COME OUT THIS THURSDAY FROM OPEN TO CLOSE! (I promise, it's the last one-lol. We just didn't meet our goal last time and they have been generous enough to offer another night for us!)
Hi guys-My 8 year old daughter, Alyson, was diagnosed with Polyarticular Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis last year and has had significant bone loss in her left wrist. She has been on autoimmune injections twice a week to try and keep the bone loss from spreading. We are doing a fundraiser at Chili's on Glade and 121 JUNE 27, 2013. Mention to your server that you are there for TEAM ALY and they will donate 10% of your bill towards our fundraising! Please help us in finding a cure for this debilitating disease! They are counting all flyers or mentioning of it from open to close. So have lunch and dinner there that day!
It would mean the world to our family if you would come out and support us.
Thank you! (i've attached the flyer and a picture of my daughter, Aly)
Hi guys-My 8 year old daughter, Alyson, was diagnosed with Polyarticular Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis last year and has had significant bone loss in her left wrist. She has been on autoimmune injections twice a week to try and keep the bone loss from spreading. We are doing a fundraiser at Chili's on Glade and 121 JUNE 27, 2013. Mention to your server that you are there for TEAM ALY and they will donate 10% of your bill towards our fundraising! Please help us in finding a cure for this debilitating disease! They are counting all flyers or mentioning of it from open to close. So have lunch and dinner there that day!
It would mean the world to our family if you would come out and support us.
