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wierd chest "pain"

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  • #16
    OP - Hope your ok.

    Originally posted by Ratt View Post
    I have cracked a rib a couple times from sneezing real hard,



    • #17
      Originally posted by mustang_revival View Post
      OP - Hope your ok.

      I'm just too much for me to handle.


      • #18
        Hope it nothing major... good luck!


        • #19
          thanks guys.

          So I went to the ER and had blood work, an EKG, and chest x-rays...everything showed excellent. They didn't give me a stress test though.

          When I got there, they said it sounds like I may have some gastro indigestion so while we waited for the above test results, they also gave me a malox cocktail that had some numbing stuff and something else mixed with it to see if that helps.

          But I don't see how this GI problem would last from Saturday evening, through this morning. I don't eat spicy foods and I've never had any kind of indigestion issues. That cocktail they gave me seemed to help though. I came back home and slept for a couple hours without the discomfort so I guess they're right. I'll know more tonight when that wears off. They didn't really go into the possible GI issue but said if it returns to go see a GI specialist.

          Now to chalk up the ER bill to indigestion


          • #20
            You don't have insurance to cover the ER visits? And glad you're ok dude, I don't want to be father-in-lawless in the future!


            • #21
              yeah, I do but it's not that great. IIRC, I have to meet my deductible before it starts covering a %. AND LMFAO.


              • #22
                Originally posted by DOHCTR View Post
                I had the characteristic enzymes in my blood but no permanent cardiac scarring as a cardiac cath and several stress tests have revealed. They called me "unlucky".
                You probably had myocarditis as well...very unlikely you had an MI at that age.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by GeorgeG. View Post
                  thanks guys.

                  So I went to the ER and had blood work, an EKG, and chest x-rays...everything showed excellent. They didn't give me a stress test though.

                  When I got there, they said it sounds like I may have some gastro indigestion so while we waited for the above test results, they also gave me a malox cocktail that had some numbing stuff and something else mixed with it to see if that helps.

                  But I don't see how this GI problem would last from Saturday evening, through this morning. I don't eat spicy foods and I've never had any kind of indigestion issues. That cocktail they gave me seemed to help though. I came back home and slept for a couple hours without the discomfort so I guess they're right. I'll know more tonight when that wears off. They didn't really go into the possible GI issue but said if it returns to go see a GI specialist.

                  Now to chalk up the ER bill to indigestion
                  Told ya so...


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
                    Told ya so...
                    All hail Dr. Dave!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Ratt View Post
                      All hail Dr. Dave!


                      • #26


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
                          Told ya so...
                          thanks dude... sucks that it cost me the ER fees but feels good knowing it's not a heart issue.

                          On another note, I just got back from the gym and kicked my ass for having a GI issue.

                          what's fba?


                          • #28
                            Reflux esophagitis can mimic a heart attack...I see patients coming in for this all the time. The messed up thing is that I have to assume they all have cardiac chest pain to prevent getting sued.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
                              You probably had myocarditis as well...very unlikely you had an MI at that age.
                              I can dig up the EKG but it was in fact a heart attack.

                              Scariest moment of my life. After triage I was rushed into the ICU and it seemed like the entire staff of the hospital was converging on me. They asked if I was on cocaine and I told them no, I never touch the stuff. They the demanded to know how much I did and accused me of not telling the truth (understandable due to the situation I suppose). It was the scariest moment of my life as the staff was buzzing around me. Then they gave me morphine. Pain didn't really go away but I stopped giving a damn about it.

                              I was in the ICU for three days and to this day I keep a small pill box of nitrates and aspirin on me at all time just in case. In short, don't take chest pain lightly. I was and still am healthy, I exercise, I eat right, I am 6'3" 175 lbs, but it happened.
                              Originally posted by lincolnboy
                              After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.


                              • #30
                                Please, post up the EKG.

