free phones and internet social sites for tracking, listening, and seeing what your interests are, your beliefs and political association, etc. Make it cool. Make it free. Make it pop culture. Make it so enticing and the protection and "security" justifiable that others would look at you as crazy or an outcast if you don't bite. You gotta give to get. Money, demographics, etc used to market and study you for more of your money, etc. Tie it together with your DNA, but again, make it easy, even pay for people to do it. Put a chip in you like a dog to "protect" you. Chip your kids to keep them "safe". Make it mandatory or stiff social or legal action when you won't comply. Store all of this information. Psycho analyze all the data and build a profile on you like they do in the crime shows then store it in a nuclear proof, redundant data mine that can never be erased. Always updating knowing where you are anywhere, anytime. Identify you in a crowd of thousands. By your face. Change your face? HA! Now it is the distinct shape of your ears, your distinct scent, your body language, your gate, all seen and accessible by whomever wants to control you with fear.
Just some things I've heard/read. Not crazy ramblings.