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Grand Hotel FUNdome?

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  • Grand Hotel FUNdome?

    Anyone ever been to that place I think in Desoto/Lancaster? I have seen it for years but never NEVER met anyone who has been to it. Just curious if its kind of ghetto or what.

  • #2
    It's Desoto... Of course it's ghetto. It used to be a holiday inn way back when.


    • #3
      I was curious to know what it looked like inside so I found it on hotels.com. It has a pool and a playground and I think something else not to exciting. A couple of weeks ago I did see about 60 black folks out in the parking lot having a cookout.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Ted View Post
        I was curious to know what it looked like inside so I found it on hotels.com. It has a pool and a playground and I think something else not to exciting. A couple of weeks ago I did see about 60 black folks out in the parking lot having a cookout.
        black folks in desoto????? wtf???


        • #5
          Originally posted by Craizie View Post
          black folks in desoto????? wtf???
          The barbeque smelled great.


          • #6
            Nice place..
            04 GT
            91 LX


            • #7
              It used to be a decently nice holiday inn WAYYYYY back in the day. There was a little bar down stairs called bobbi sox if I remember correctly and I ran through several of the women that worked there. This was around 1999-2001 and that was also the last time I ever sat foot in the place. It was showing its age then, I cant imagine what it looks like now.


              • #8
                i had to stay at the same hotel only in Odessa for work once. it was a shithole in odessa!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by runin90lx View Post
                  i had to stay at the same hotel only in Odessa for work once. it was a shithole in odessa!
                  Only able to find 1 nice hotel in Odessa when I was out there a bunch. When I say nice, I mean a relatively clean Fairfield Inn.

                  Midland had some decent places, but it has been about 2 years. Guessing both towns have exploded with hotels by now.
                  Originally posted by MR EDD
                  U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                  • #10
                    We've sent people there that come in for training, its not great, but in that area, its ok.
                    "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ceyko View Post
                      Only able to find 1 nice hotel in Odessa when I was out there a bunch. When I say nice, I mean a relatively clean Fairfield Inn.

                      Midland had some decent places, but it has been about 2 years. Guessing both towns have exploded with hotels by now.
                      i always stay at that MCM Elegante in odessa when i have to go out there. its actually pretty nice for being a sister hotel of the MCM Fundome.


                      • #12
                        when i worked up the street we did go to the bar inside there, bobbisox. super ghetto


                        • #13
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                          • #14
                            I grew up not too far from there. We used to eat late night breakfast at that Waffle House and watch the lot lizards break out of that hotel like roaches.
                            When the government pays, the government controls.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by 46Tbird View Post
                              I grew up not too far from there. We used to eat late night breakfast at that Waffle House and watch the lot lizards break out of that hotel like roaches.
                              Had to google "lot lizard"... lmao...

