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Tablet All in Ones (XPS 18)

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  • Tablet All in Ones (XPS 18)

    What are your thoughts on the new XPS 18?

    Think I'm going to bite the bullet and order one. I wouldn't use it at home as I have a real workstation and not an ultrabook toy. Anyone else out there spoiled by 1600p monitors and unable to work on a laptop? What are your thoughts on this new category of AIO's?

    The major downside is being released this month, it has a 3rd gen intel instead of a haswell.

  • #2
    No haswell is a deal breaker for that market.


    • #3
      is it trying to be a tablet or ultrabook or desktop, looks like all 3 without being good in either.


      • #4
        We have a regular HP all-in-one touch screen computer, it's not portable. It is fun to fuck around with tho. Like a huge smart phone!


        • #5
          Originally posted by 03mustangdude View Post
          is it trying to be a tablet or ultrabook or desktop, looks like all 3 without being good in either.
          That's Dell for ya! Mediocore at all three.


          • #6
            Originally posted by MustangPoser View Post
            Anyone else out there spoiled by 1600p monitors and unable to work on a laptop?
            I have a 22" monitor at work, and a 20" at home, that I use for real work, in conjunction with my laptop (extended display). I know there are way bigger, so no brag attempt, but I HATE trying to work on the laptop screen alone (14")..

            Now, on my personal laptop, that I use for surfing in the evening, I am fine with using that screen alone since I don't do any actual work. I literally use it almost exclusively for just surfing / browsing the web. I wouldn't mind moving to one of those XPS's for my browsing, but at the same time, would not spend that much for what I would use it for. A few hundred dollar laptop is more than sufficient.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Chili View Post
              I have a 22" monitor at work, and a 20" at home, that I use for real work, in conjunction with my laptop (extended display). I know there are way bigger, so no brag attempt, but I HATE trying to work on the laptop screen alone (14")..
              That's how I am. I literally was telling my brother a couple months ago about my considering buying an all in one and external display, and using those in a rolling suitcase as a rolling workstation.

              I've been considering today and since this market is so new, and from the Sony Tab, to the Asus, to the Dell they have had a lot of improvements. The Dell XPS 18 would be a no brainer with a Haswell, HDMI out, NFC chip, and real external monitor support outside of WiDi.

              So. Second generation of the XPS 18 and I'm down.


              • #8
                By the way, you can buy a $400 Dell Gift Card right now and get a bonus $75 promo gift card:

                You should be able to convert the $75 promo cards to ~$60 amazon credit.

