I'm still on a holding pattern with a workers comp case dating back over a decade June 2001,they have me handcuffed to a medical hold thus can't work for a dime till the work comp insurance settles with my attorneys. Almost 12 focking years idling,insurance makes offers and the attorneys object,freeking nuts.
I'm still on a holding pattern with a workers comp case dating back over a decade June 2001,they have me handcuffed to a medical hold thus can't work for a dime till the work comp insurance settles with my attorneys. Almost 12 focking years idling,insurance makes offers and the attorneys object,freeking nuts.
I would loose my mind if I didn't work in 12 years.
I'm still on a holding pattern with a workers comp case dating back over a decade June 2001,they have me handcuffed to a medical hold thus can't work for a dime till the work comp insurance settles with my attorneys. Almost 12 focking years idling,insurance makes offers and the attorneys object,freeking nuts.
My employer closed it's doors in 2003.
Your attorneys? Don't they serve you? Can't you tell them you want them to accept?
Sounds to me like their milking it to get more fees. (unless I'm reading that wrong)
Yeah this law firm had represented me before 2001 with no problems but in June 2001 I got stuck with work comp as the accident occurred in a company vehicle,I really wanted to use my medical insurance but damn California said no no buddy,I knew it was going to be a long road just not still sitting watching my days go by more than a decade later.
At the time of my accident my wife was 7 months pregnant with my second son,his birthday each year is a stern reminder of what little I have accomplished since 2001 career wise.
Big ass blank on the resume', 2001-2013 "abducted by aliens"
My wife has been employed with the same company since the mid 90's and doing very well for herself, she is the CEO & CFO all in one. I been the stay at home dad(bitch) since '05 for my sons with both in middle school
Wasn't the stay at home mom wage like $56,000 or something like that?
Worker's Comp. What a friggin' joke. Got hurt on the job in 2003. Had to go the W/C route. I got so sick of sitting in the waiting rooms listening to SMF's talk to each other about how much they were gonna scam the system and how they'd really gotten one over on the man.
I guess the nurses and docs that deal with workers comp get pretty used to that crowd, because when I'd tell em I really needed to get rehabbed so I could get back to work and asked em to do whatever they could to speed up the process, they'd stop what they were doing and look at me like I just flew in from Mars. What a novel concept, somebody who wasn't looking for a lawsuit or a settlement and just wanted to get treated and get back to work. I hated being forced to be off.
The w/c system is so badly broken, it'll never be fixed without a complete house-cleaning and a new system put in its place.
Of all the workers comp cases that I investigated there was only 1 where I did not find evidence that they were malingering. In most cases they were also informed that there would be surveillance used and they still were caught. My most recent case, the subject of the investigation was on his 3rd case of workers comp and had been caught malingering on all 3. They just don't seem to care about cheating the system.
I have no pity for fraudulent cases, dude requires crutches to be mobile,neck brace and shit then that evening is observed bowling like a champ,that shit irks me.
For me it's kind of shameful (IMHO) having to tell parents of my kids friends when they ask what do I do for a living,I reluctantly tell em "I'm a stay at home dad" when they all are professionals,doctors,lawyers,engineers,etc and very successful in their careers enjoying life to the fullest.
It's okay being the stay at home parent but in reality I would rather be out there with ya'll earning my keep with a good honest days work and getting that coveted paycheck
Of all the workers comp cases that I investigated there was only 1 where I did not find evidence that they were malingering. In most cases they were also informed that there would be surveillance used and they still were caught. My most recent case, the subject of the investigation was on his 3rd case of workers comp and had been caught malingering on all 3. They just don't seem to care about cheating the system.
Nice. Hiring? Nothing I love more than sticking it to fuck sticks like that. And I am gonna be a member of the unemployed on a check sometime in the future. lol