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Pissing Blood

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  • Pissing Blood

    Any idea. I have a slight pain in my right testicle, It started today. Gonna take a couple days off and see what happens. But every time I go piss it hurts worse. The pain is Right testicle & in my lower right stomach area. My spouse who is a nurse thinks it might be kidney stone. She says the pain is just starting and will get ALOT WORSE! Knock on Wood & fingers crossed its me over working my body or maybe lifting something to heavy, Anybody else shed some light on this though would be appreciated
    August Landscaping
    Seb's high class.
    He'll mow your grass.
    He'll kick your ass.
    And while his kidney stones pass,
    He'll piss in a glass!

  • #2
    I would agree with kidney stone prognosis, but pissing blood warrants a trip to the ER.


    • #3
      Space Herpes.

      On a serious note, go to a doctor not a Mustang site. People will just tell you to get a Fox with 5k in mods and beat the pain.
      Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


      • #4
        Go to the Dr. immediately dude.


        • #5
          You are the 4th person this week I know of suffering from kidney stones. Weird.


          • #6
            Originally posted by talisman View Post
            Go to the Dr. immediately dude.

            Blood streaming from a hole it's not supposed to is not a "consult the brilliance of the internet" kinda thing.


            • #7
              seb dont dick around man... got to the fucking doc now!


              • #8
                I'll take some pain but I draw the line at blood coming out of any orifice.


                • #9
                  That's what she said. But I want to go eat first cause she said they might perform surgery & I wont get to eat. So I want to go eat some food before I go to the ER
                  GOD BLESS TEXAS
                  August Landscaping
                  Seb's high class.
                  He'll mow your grass.
                  He'll kick your ass.
                  And while his kidney stones pass,
                  He'll piss in a glass!


                  • #10
                    Lifting heavy and over-working the body causes cramps, hernias, and muscle soreness, NOT blood in the urine.

                    This isn't something that you shouldn't just sleep off, it can potentially get much worse if left undiagnosed and untreated.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by SEB View Post
                      That's what she said. But I want to go eat first cause she said they might perform surgery & I wont get to eat. So I want to go eat some food before I go to the ER

                      Grab a Pop Tart and move it man. Com'on!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by SEB View Post
                        That's what she said. But I want to go eat first cause she said they might perform surgery & I wont get to eat. So I want to go eat some food before I go to the ER
                        They don't let you eat because if screws with the anesthesia. So may want to rethink that because you just have to wait longer should they decide they can remove the stone.... or whatever the issue may be.
                        Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by SEB View Post
                          That's what she said. But I want to go eat first cause she said they might perform surgery & I wont get to eat. So I want to go eat some food before I go to the ER
                          They usually ask that you fast prior to a planned surgery, I don't think that eating would be the best idea. Quit being your usual hard-headed obstinate self, and go to the doctor immediately.


                          • #14
                            If it's a stone of passable size they will not do surgery but will bag you with fluids to hydrate you, give you morphine or dilaudid, and let you pass it. otherwise you will be discharged with pain management meds and told to stay at home for a few days until it passes.

                            if they do decide surgery is necessary, you'll most likely be given a round or two of lithotripsy. this is using sound waves and is pretty non invasive other than the giant bruise it can leave.

                            go to the ER now, they will triage you ahead of just about anyone else (aside from massive open wounds, head trauma, etc) and medicate you. dont fuck around dude ive had enough of these to know what can happen.


                            • #15
                              kidney stones.... Start drinking lots of water itll help. I had the same thing happen and was on my way to ER when I called my uncle at rockwall county EMS. He said you can go but they wont do anything for ya and charge ya, or drink water and get ready for sweats and pain lol. After you piss it out it imediatly stops hurting

