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Don't call the cops

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  • Cooter
    May every fucking person involved with this abortion of justice die in a car fire

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  • superclean
    It's a cover up for sure. Channel 5 said the old man listened to orders and put the gun down then decided to pick it back up. He had an attitude of this is my house and you can't tell me what to do. Don't even get me started on the filtering process of " jury duty".

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  • bcoop
    Originally posted by John -- '02 HAWK View Post
    On a different channel it was also noted that their GPS put the address on the wrong side of the street
    Technology always has been, and always will be glitchy. That is no excuse for not physically verifying an address. By your account, I guess a no knock warrant on a wrong address, that results in LE murdering homeowners is perfectly acceptable, as long as GPS says they are at the right house.

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  • John -- '02 HAWK
    Originally posted by bcoop View Post
    CBS 11 News aired a segment on this Friday night.
    On a different channel it was also noted that their GPS put the address on the wrong side of the street

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  • 68RR
    What's really bad is , that if I heard it correctly, a Grand Jury decided not to press charges!

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  • ftp
    Pretty sad state of affairs when they let these armed dipshits get away with murder, pathetic!

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  • bcoop
    CBS 11 News aired a segment on this Friday night. Waller lived at house number 412. According to the report, Officers were not familiar with the concept that even and odd numbered houses are on opposite sides of the street. Given that paperboys and pizza delivery people have a firm grasp on this concept in Jr High and High School, this really says something about the lack of training and the mental midgets that PD's tend to employ.

    Oh, and his "attitude was very malicious and not pro police at all." So, there it is, in black and white. You can be legally murdered for not being "pro police". DA declined to indict the officer that murdered him. Surprise, surprise.

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  • talisman
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
    Of course that means most people won't argue with a cop. Idiots like Matt take that to mean that they are smart or can carry a debate. When they realize they can't they start talking about people not playing enough team sports. Or wsnt to engage in feats of strength. Lol

    When their ass sat on the bench for the entirety of their high school career. lmao, I've never seen one person so effectively convey their inferiority complex in my life.

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  • Broncojohnny
    Originally posted by Rick Modena View Post
    Cops always get the last word on the street or a person goes to jail and it cost you a shit ton of money. That's the easy way, if you try and exercise your rights, most times you are tazed, beatin with a ASP or risk getting shot 15 times.
    Of course that means most people won't argue with a cop. Idiots like Matt take that to mean that they are smart or can carry a debate. When they realize they can't they start talking about people not playing enough team sports. Or wsnt to engage in feats of strength. Lol

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  • Rick Modena
    Originally posted by sig239 View Post
    You know whats scary this mental midget has a badge and gun, Hell if he cant get over not getting the last word in on a internet forum how the hell does he function on the streets?
    Cops always get the last word on the street or a person goes to jail and it cost you a shit ton of money. That's the easy way, if you try and exercise your rights, most times you are tazed, beatin with a ASP or risk getting shot 15 times.

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  • Broncojohnny
    Originally posted by talisman View Post
    Well, you guys were busy last night. lol
    Matt finally came out of the closet so it was all worth it.

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  • talisman
    Guest replied
    Well, you guys were busy last night. lol

    Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post

    It fully explains that you see me as my job, when in fact here I'm just another member. You are just two of several who can't separate my occupation from my posts.

    There is no separating you from your profession. It's the main reason you end up constantly making a fool of yourself and them soaking the site in tears of rage when it's pointed out to you. I believe I was pointing this out in fact when you started making personal attacks about my family. What an idiot.

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  • Nash B.
    The medical examiner's report says he died of multiple gunshot wounds. Cue dramatic theme!

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  • Broncojohnny
    Originally posted by slow99 View Post
    Oh, I know - it was in one of your "list of accomplishments" posts.
    These god damn fractions are tough.

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  • Trip McNeely
    Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
    You have swallowed the kool aid. Go ahead and use the Arnold tactic of saying something that's false. Say it enough times and someone will believe you.....

    I guess it's false when you are the only one who thinks it's so? Gotcha.

    Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post

    It's quite easy to see through your anger, hate, and jealousy so much that I continue to draw business from this very pool...

    *insert evil laugh here*
    I've never seen someone so proud to be so dumb and childish. lol

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