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I need Dave Ramsey!!!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by inline 6 View Post
    Then just say fuck it any quit paying on them!
    And they sue me and garnish my wages seems like a great idea


    • #32
      Originally posted by sc281 View Post
      That's aloooot of cc debt. Interest costs alone probly top 3k a year....

      Start selling off anything you have to pay as much off as possible. Hit this as hard as you can, and you can be out if it in 2-3 years. Dick around with it and it can haunt you for 10+.

      And once you're done put that cash in the bank and never let it get like that again.
      Thanks goal is 12 months. We will see though.


      • #33
        Originally posted by 2011GT View Post
        And they sue me and garnish my wages seems like a great idea
        CC's cant do that last time I checked. Only loans from unkle sam as far as I know. CC's can file suit against you if they really want to stick it to you and the most that will happen is that you have a judgement placed against you and your credit tagged with that decision which fucks your credit up royally but who cares its already fucked!


        • #34
          Originally posted by John -- '02 HAWK View Post
          The companies will close if you dont keep a balance, usually after 2-3 months. If they are high APR cards it might not make any difference
          I rarely use my cards and they have not closed them.


          • #35
            Figuring out what to do with the cash is only the beginning, you've also got to rein in the spending that helped amass all of that debt. Quite eating at restaurants, lunch AND dinner, and stop any frivolous spending on things like Starbucks, energy drinks. A daily Red Bull/Monster will set you back almost a grand a year, and food is where you can really rack up the spending if you aren't careful.


            • #36
              Buy a few rounds at a dfwm gtg, win board favorite for a year.


              • #37
                You left off your interest rates. That is key to the this point.

                Do not pay off your car just to get out from under it and trade into another.

                Go after the highest interest rates first then the lowest balances second. I would not adjust my car payments. Odds are the interest rates are not near as bad as the CC.

                Take part time job to pay the CC debt.

                Refi mortgage. Take savings in monthly payments and either continue to apply to mortgage or move it over to the CC debt.
                Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                • #38
                  Throw everything u can at the smallest debt & make the minimum payments on the rest. Pay off the smallest to the largest in that order regardless of the interest rate till it's all payed off. Once you pay one card of you become more motivated to start paying the rest off. You'll start looking for things around the house to sell just for the extra money to throw at the debt.


                  • #39
                    Go use, and it will tell you what to do.


                    • #40
                      Pay off the highest interest rate balances down to $10-$20 if possible don't take any credit card down to $0.


                      • #41
                        First thing is to stop spending money. Second thing is to make a $6k dent in the highest interest rate debt that you have. Third thing is to find a second job. Make yourself busy making money so you don't have time to spend money.


                        • #42


                          • #43
                            or keep the $6,000 in the bank. you should always have money saved up in the bannk. 6 months of your salary saved.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by lincolnboy View Post
                              or keep the $6,000 in the bank. you should always have money saved up in the bannk. 6 months of your salary saved.
                              Based on his post, I would say the $6k is extra. 6 months saved up will go a lot further when high interest debt is paid off.


                              • #45
                                I wouldn't be able to sleep at night with debt like that.

