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Topless Women in Public Not Breaking the Law, Says NYPD

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  • Topless Women in Public Not Breaking the Law, Says NYPD

    Part of me wants this everywhere but oh damn what would be exposed would not always be pleasant. lol

    Ladies of New York , you are free to walk bare-breasted through the city! New York City's 34,000 police officers have been instructed that, should they encounter a woman in public who is shirtless but obeying the law, they should not arrest her. This is a good step towards gender parity in public spaces.
    This decision means that breast exposure is not considered public lewdness, indecent exposure, or disorderly conduct. It also notes that, should a crowd form around a topless woman, the officer should instruct the crowd to disperse and then respond appropriately if it does not. Relative coverage is no longer a factor.
    This policy shift comes after several years of litigation and protest. In the 1992 case People v. Ramona Santorelli and Mary Lou Schloss, the New York Court of Appeals ruled in favor of two women who were arrested with five others for exposing their breasts in a Rochester park, holding the law void as discriminatory. The ruling was put to the test in 2005, when Jill Coccaro bared her breasts on Delancey Street in New York, citing the 1992 decision, and was detained for twelve hours. She subsequently successfully sued the city for $29,000.
    In 2007, Go Topless, a national organization supporting gender equality in shirtlessness laws, established Go Topless Day. Dozens of women protest – often topless – in thirty cities around the United States, promoting equal rights to be shirtless. Protests usually include chants of “Free your breasts. Free your minds” and a song “Let ‘em Breathe” to the tune of the Beatles’ “Let it Be.”
    While some who have witnessed these events have suggested that "[t]his is extreme liberalism and why America’s in decline” or “[i]t’s degrading to women,” others have been supportive. One man even said he would encourage his wife to join them.
    Though bare-breasted women might shock the sensibilities of some in the public, it is encouraging to see the police responding positively to gender bias, even on such a seemingly small scale. After all, no one thinks twice about a man shirtless on a summer day. However, the female nipple or chest is still considered “lewd.” By reminding its officers of this, the NYPD is publicly declaring that it will no longer perpetuate unconstitutional gender discrimination, a standard to which all law enforcement should be held and a decision for which it should be applauded.

    Video NSFW

  • #2
    Good for them.
    Originally posted by Buzzo
    Some dudes jump out of airplanes, I fuck hookers without condoms.



    • #3
      Really nothing new there. I see it all the time......usually posing for a photographer.


      • #4
        Its totally legal here, unless it's causing some kind of disturbance, etc....

        To be illegal would be gender discrimination.


        • #5
          Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
          Its totally legal here, unless it's causing some kind of disturbance, etc....

          To be illegal would be gender discrimination.
          Shut the fuck up. We don't need Eric walking around topless, or without a bra.
          Originally posted by BradM
          But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
          Originally posted by Leah
          In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


          • #6
            Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
            Its totally legal here, unless it's causing some kind of disturbance, etc....


            • #7
              Originally posted by UserX View Post
              I was thinking of the same episode... Seinfeld has an answer for everything.


              • #8
                Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                Shut the fuck up. We don't need Eric walking around topless, or without a bra.
                I hovered over the Photoshop icon, but then I threw up a little in my mouth...


                • #9
                  You guys are nasty!
                  Natural law. Sons are put on this earth to trouble their fathers.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                    Shut the fuck up. We don't need Eric walking around topless, or without a bra.
                    Lmao! For the record, I'm ok with certain women being able to walk around topless, but not; Scarlett Johansen...yes....Rosanne Barr...not so much!


                    • #11
                      Lol....oh america.......y u so cray cray?


                      • #12
                        I have the same opinion of this as I do of gay marriage; I fully support it as long as the chicks are hot.
                        I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.

                        Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.


                        • #13
                          Fuck you guys. But I'm lmao @ the Seinfeld reference. Well played.


                          • #14
                            finally NY does something I can get on board with....I say let all women go topless if they want. Boobs are boobs.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by STANGGT40 View Post
                              Lmao! For the record, I'm ok with certain women being able to walk around topless, but not; Scarlett Johansen...yes....Rosanne Barr...not so much!
                              I'd gladly look at Rosanne's flapjacks if it meant that I got to see Scarlett next.

