It was a gorgeous winter night in early 2005. Saturday nights, for a brief space of time, a large group of us would invade Pappas Pizza and all but take over the right side of the restaurant for some ill advised karaoke action.
In the early 2000’s I was an Eninem aficionado and could rock several of his songs using only my cavernous memory, and without any help from the teleprompter. Big Matt and I set up to do The Real Slim Shady, with him filling in the chorus so that I could grab a breath between the fast paced 3 verses.
On this particular eve, a lot of the old schoolers were in attendance, as well as the royal family and friends from TSP; the sites being almost interchangeable in those days with drama spilling from one to the other and vice versa on a regular basis.
There was this blond girl named Brittany (not of the Brit420 notoriety) that posted as Bdawg on TSP that had grown fame from her stellar beer chugging skills that could emasculate most men in the 2 seconds it took her to empty a punctured can of frosty beverage. Rodney (NayNay) had been hitting on her all night to her overtly obvious annoyance, and as I recovered from the second verse and Matt finished the chorus so I could wail out the third, some sort of altercation ensued.
I was watching with bemusement, still belting out the lyrics without missing a beat, when Matt put Rodney in a full nelson a few feet away from me. I walked over to see the show, looked at Rodney’s face while his arms were flailing about over his head uselessly, and without stopping the rap, shrugged my shoulders and turned around as Matt dragged him to the front door and tossed his ass out of it like a rag doll.
I had a big grin on my face (it was so ordinary to see him get his ass dealt with at that point it had become a blase running joke), and Carrie and Michelle were having quite a laugh about the whole thing as I came to the end of verse 3. Matt came running from the front door and grabbed the mic to finish up the last chorus right as it hit, and we finished to the mild cheers that you can expect from even a stellar karaoke performance.
The whole thing always struck me as being very cinematic the way it went down, (soundtrack and all!) but I never really had much of a reason to say anything about it. That was the last time I saw Rodney, and the last image in my head of him is Matt having him completely helpless, his arms up in the air, hands flopping around like some sort of 60’s Monster Mash dance routine, fear and confusion all over his face. For some reason, I keep seeing that face while he is the midst of pretending to be ten feet tall lately.
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