it wont be when i lose.. none of this is going down if robert wont pick up the phone though! i gotta see where his head is at. ive talked to my crew in longview and they say not to fuck with his redneck ass. i gotta listen to them or plan accordingly to when they will meet me up there.
it's a known fact that he never showed up to dallas alone, and had his wife carrying a gun in the car.
i will not show up alone and our guns wont be in the car.
im shocked you realize that.. in fact i think this all started behind the time i had to line your ass out on here. get out of my thread fat boy.
Line my ass out of what? I'm fat, when you have disposable income, you can afford food. It happens. I know you're used to prison where they give you enough calories to keep you moving and that's about it but in the free world? We have KFC
Are you really going to show up? I have no dog in this fight, Just curious. It sounds like a bar scene you run your mouth bump your chest into his and get knocked the fuck out. Your goons are standing in the corner not knowing if they need to run or pick your dumbass off the ground.
Did you ever find the goalie chest protector your were looking for?
Thanks. I found them at the store in Southlake, but it's not what I'm looking for. I'm needing something that'll cover the entire front above the waist and still allow me to be mobile, like a baseball catcher's chest protector but not as bulky.