what money? how much? what have you done other then turn your back to the crowd and have your wife take a pic of you holding a sign on the back of your garage sale sign.. why dont you PM me and get my number? im not coming out there to fight with you. im coming out there to sit down and talk and see if we can possibly use this as a chance for a fundraising type of event. neither of us need the money. all these other fuckwads wanna see me get beat up. lets charge, and have a real purse that gets donated to a charity, that way there are no real losers.
if you're not down with that then i have a second set of stips that you may or may not agree to. or we drink a beer, eat a salad (YOU SHOULD TRY IT FAT BOY) and we hash things out. i cant hold anger towards you because i do not know you. infact i think you came around when i was on vaca from the board.
someone is punking out as usual...
Naynay you owe the man at least 100 bucks since you punked out on your original meet up. If you can't see that, then you really should have stayed in school.
Is this the biggest excuse laden group of bullshit backpedaling stories ever pulled together by one person in the history of the internet? Jesus Fucking Christ.
what money? how much? what have you done other then turn your back to the crowd and have your wife take a pic of you holding a sign on the back of your garage sale sign.. why dont you PM me and get my number? im not coming out there to fight with you. im coming out there to sit down and talk and see if we can possibly use this as a chance for a fundraising type of event. neither of us need the money. all these other fuckwads wanna see me get beat up. lets charge, and have a real purse that gets donated to a charity, that way there are no real losers.
if you're not down with that then i have a second set of stips that you may or may not agree to. or we drink a beer, eat a salad (YOU SHOULD TRY IT FAT BOY) and we hash things out. i cant hold anger towards you because i do not know you. infact i think you came around when i was on vaca from the board.
You owe me the agreed upon punk out fee. It was $300-$500. You posted it. We agreed to it. I've already told you why I won't give you my number. You repeatedly confirm why I don't want to give you my number.
I promise there were far more people in front of me than there was behind me. The looks were awesome. However, I'm pretty positive you'll find some other way to explain why you feel you don't owe me money.
You have a major character flaw, dude. I doubt you will ever gain any respect at this rate.
Is this the biggest excuse laden group of bullshit backpedaling stories ever pulled together by one person in the history of the internet? Jesus Fucking Christ.
Sadly, no. For this website? Absolutely. A garbage can full of smashed assholes has more credibility than this clown.
its really not a big deal, i'll put $1,000 that says no one will walk up and say it to may face, and a $100 punk out fee to tell me you were thinkin about it!
what money? how much? what have you done other then turn your back to the crowd and have your wife take a pic of you holding a sign on the back of your garage sale sign.. why dont you PM me and get my number? im not coming out there to fight with you. im coming out there to sit down and talk and see if we can possibly use this as a chance for a fundraising type of event. neither of us need the money. all these other fuckwads wanna see me get beat up. lets charge, and have a real purse that gets donated to a charity, that way there are no real losers.
if you're not down with that then i have a second set of stips that you may or may not agree to. or we drink a beer, eat a salad (YOU SHOULD TRY IT FAT BOY) and we hash things out. i cant hold anger towards you because i do not know you. infact i think you came around when i was on vaca from the board.
Is one of those 'stips' you not showing up at anything while claiming moral superiority?
what money? how much? what have you done other then turn your back to the crowd and have your wife take a pic of you holding a sign on the back of your garage sale sign..
It wasn't a garage sale sign. It was butcher paper from the roll leftover from The Head's crawfish boil a few weeks ago....How fitting...
what have you done other then turn your back to the crowd
ROFL... I live between S. High St. and Mobberly, Robert can testify that where I live is worse than your wanna-be 'hood car wash. Just because you are frightened to be in a low-income/ high minority area doesn't mean others are.
Originally posted by SSMAN
...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.
ROFL... I live between S. High St. and Mobberly, Robert can testify that where I live is worse than your wanna-be 'hood car wash. Just because you are frightened to be in a low-income/ high minority area doesn't mean others are.