Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in phar://.../vb/vb.phar/bbcode/url.php on line 2 Small business owners? - DFW Mustangs


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Small business owners?

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  • #16
    Both of those forms look like all the same info to me lol, they both say to be for "Chapter 36, Title 4 Business and Commerce Code"

    We started back in 86 and I was born in 85, after graduating college and joining the company in 08 I convinced my dad that we needed to be a LLC, so I had no involvement in the initial formation of the business.


    • #17
      Trust me, Id like to go LLC but at the moment I cant afford it, heard its about $500+ to get an LLC. If I don't get this DBA with Tax ID i am losing out on possible insurance jobs, therefore I am not making money at the shop. I have been waiting and holding this off till recently were the ball has started to roll.


      • #18
        You need to do DBA and wait until the money starts rolling for a few years before considering incorporating or LLC


        • #19
          Originally posted by racrguy View Post
          LLC for sure. If someone sues the company they can't take everything YOU own, just what the company owns.
          Not necesarily true. If you do the work or personally direct another, then you are liable. For example, yoiu are a mechanic and you do a brake job. The brakes fail and cause an accident. You and the LLC can both be sued.


          • #20
            Just found out about this website for small business owner's and it offers free support...

            From planning to execution, get resources or real-time assistance for every stage of your business. SCORE has a library of useful documents and online courses, as well as experienced mentors to help you with your business journey.  

